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Test varianta A

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Varianta A

arrest warrant – zatykač

the suspect is in custody – podezřelý je ve vazbě

malice aforethought – zlý úmysl

a matter for insurance – otázka pojištění, záležitost pro pojišťovnu

attempted robbery –pokus o loupež

out-of-court settlement – mimosoudní vyrovnání

trustee and beneficiary – trustee= správce (např. parents of children), beneficiary – beneficiář = person who benefits from the trust (children e.g.)

easement and mortgage – Věcné břemeno a zástavní právo k nemovitosti (hypotéka?)

passing-off action - žaloba za zneužití ochranné známky

zpronevěra a podvod – embezzlement and fraud

odvolání proti rozsudku - appeal against the judgement

přiznat odškodné – award damages

obžalovat z vloupání – accuse of burglary

polehčující okolnosti – mittigating circumstances

vyhýbání se placení daní – tax evasion

utrpět újmu – suffer a harm (loss)

převést majetek na dědice – transfer the property on heirs?

nemovitý a movitý majetek – Real and personal property (imovable, movable property)

zažádat o patent/udělit patent – žádat o patent = applied for a patent / udělit patent = grant a patent

partial intestacy – it belongs to law of probate divison. There is a will dealing only with the part of the property of person who died, not with all of it.

executor of the will – person appointed by the will to administer the property of testator

conveyancing – land transffering (usually a job of solicitor, he has to check all rights and duties attached to the land) (Land Registry, tittle deeds)

types of punishment - \??? Imprisonment, fine, monetery compensation, public excuse, conditionnal sentence, community service, house arrast, life sentence…

freehold and leasehold – types of estate = right to land. Freeholder (= Landlord,owner) holds the land until he died, than it passes to his heirs. Leaseholder (=leasee) holds the land only for the certain period of time, it could be 1 month but also 99 years. (They have exklusive possesion, because noone can enter their land without their consent).

Témata, do kterých materiál patří