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Czech republic - political system

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The Czech Republic is a unitary parliamentary constitutional republic, in which the President is the head of state and the Prime Minister is the head of government. Executive power is exercised by the Government of the Czech Republic which reports to the lower house of Parliament. The Legislature is bicameral, with the Chamber of Deputies (Poslanecká sněmovna) consisting of 200 members and the Senate (Senát) consisting of 81 members. Both houses together make up the Parliament of the Czech Republic.


  • The Parliament of the Czech Republic is made up of two chambers – the House of Parliament and the Senate. Every citizen who is at least 18 years old is entitled to vote for candidates to the House of Parliament and the Senate.


  • The House of Parliament is made up of 200 members, who are elected once every four years. Every citizen of the Czech Republic, who is entitled to vote and is at least 21 years of age, can be elected to the House of Parliament.


  • 81 senators are elected with a six-year term of office according to the principles of the majority election system. The elections take place every two years, when one third of the Senators are newly elected. Every citizen of the Czech Republic, who is entitled to vote and is at least 40 years old, can be elected to the Senate.



  • It answers to the House of Parliament for its actions. As well as the Government, ministries and other administrative bodies are also part of the executive power.


  • The presidential elections are based on a secret, general, equal and direct voting right that is possessed by all Czech citizens above the age of 18. The President of the Czech Republic is elected by a direct vote (no more than two consecutive) for five years. The president is a formal head of state with limited specific powers.

  • The candidates must have Czech citizenship and age above 40. A person can be elected to the office no more than twice.

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