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11. Maturitní téma - Canada

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Capital city: Ottawa (in the south-east)

Other important cities:

  • Toronto

  • Montreal

  • Quebec (in the east)

  • Vencouver (in the south-west)

  • Calgary (in the middle-west)

  • Edmonton

Geographic position: Canada lies on the North American continent. Between the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Arctic oceans. It borders the USA.

Area: Canada occupies the area of 10 mil. sq. km.

Population: 30 million inhabitants. First people was Indians and Inuits, second was people of the British and French descent and now there are many minorities.


  • maple

  • ice hockey

  • Canadial dollar

  • flag - The flag is consist in 3 stripes. 2 red stripes on the marging and white square in the middle in which is red 11 pointed maple leaf

Subdivision: Canada is divided into -

  • 10 provinces

  • 2 territories (have no self government)

Political system:

  • The head of the state is the British Monarch, so it´s a constitutional monarchy, but in real it´s a federal republic.

  • Guvernor General represents the British Monarch in their absence.

  • Prime Minister is head of the Government

  • Parliament - 2 chambers -

    • the Senate (they are apointed by the provinces)

    • House of Commons (they are elected by the canadian people)

International organization: The Canada belongs to -

  • UN

  • NATO

  • WHO, WTO

  • Commonwealth

  • G8


Economy and business:

  • Canada belongs to G8 -> economically strong developed

  • second largest exporter of wheat -> agriculture, fishing, hi-tech, car industry, tourism

  • Canada is rich in mineral resources = oil, gold, coal, uranium, iron


  • mild in coastal areas

  • cols on arctic elsewhere


  • west - hilly with mountains (the Rocky M.)

  • east - flat with prairies

  • Niagara, Ottawa

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