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There is a strong connection between the early development of children and the level of success that the child will experience later in life. Child´s knowledge of the alphabet in kindergarten influences its later ability of reading.

The relationship between a child and a society in future life depends on conditions and environment in which the child was growing.

Some parents use physical punishment, but they don´t realize that it doesn´t solve problems. Parents should sit down with their children and discuss the situation. Work out problems diplomatically, do not rush into war.

Physical punishment (spanking) influences lying, for example – lying to get out of troubles.

contribute – přispět

reverse – zvrátit, obrátit na ruby

immaturity – nezralost

acquire – získat, osvojit si

replace - nahradit

rudeness – hrubost, nevychovanost

amount – obnos, množství

Relationships at work

Relationships with other people especially at work are the best and quickest means to find out who you are. Working with other people helps to expose strenghts and weaknesses in ways that can never happen when working alone. People have to compromise.

Some organizations have a policy of not hiring employees who have a relationship with someone who works for the same company. The term „relationship“ includes the following:

  • a spouse

  • a personal relationship

expose – odhalit

policy – taktika, postup

hire - najmout

a spouse – manžel, manželka

Socializing and important events in personal life

Socialization – process in which we learn how to live

Important events in personal life:

a) everything what is connected with your family and close friends – the birth of your sister or brother, first love, first lover, marriage, having a baby, a death of your close friends or relatives…, the successes of your children, their relationships, meeting someone who really changed your life in any way

b) the course of your education: the beginning of the elementary school, the secondary school and the university, leaving-examination, the graduation…

c) the successes in your career

course - průběh

Working relationships

In museums different employees work. Some are specialized in various sciences, so there are for example archeologists, botanics, historians, conservators and so on, others do there the office work.

The director of museum should know something from all spheres. He or she should know that the museologists can extend museum collections only with good equipment, which means that they need enough money for special books, various instruments and objects from collections.

The relationships in museum are very important when the exhibition is created by the team of different people. There are specialists, an architect, a designer and a creator of the exhibition. Everyone has a different character, ideas and imagination about exhibition. When a good team creates the exhibition, the exhibition will be good, if everyone does his or her best but also if all the members of the team co-operate with each other.

Témata, do kterých materiál patří