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016 the press and media

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The Press and Media

The first expansion of media came with the invention of the radio and television. The second and the biggest boom started in 1960s when the first communication satellite was launched into the orbit.

The contemporary society brings us many kinds of new and modern media. I am thinking especially of newspapers, radio, television and internet. We can get the most recent information by means of them from the whole world even if we are in a remote village. And, of course, the English language is the most important language for communication, better understanding and simplification. Most of well-known newspapers and television stations use English as their commuication language. And these are broadcasted and published on most places of the world. So, one of the oldest are newspapers


Newspapers are the oldest of the mass media ( First newspaper appeared in the 17th century, after Johannes Guttenberg´s printing discovery in 1450).

Newspapers are the oldest kind of communication but we can say that they are today quite old-fashioned.

They are not flexible because when something happens you can’t read about it until the next day. You can read some newspapers on the Internet too. People are weary of looking in a box and it is very nice to buy newspapers, have a cup of coffee and breakfast in the garden.

3 main kinds of newspaper:

Broad sheets (a quality newspaper)

very large pages, hardly any colour pages, not too many photos, more difficult language, it focuses on some topic – more details and facts, longer articles, more tidy-looking, nearly about everything (policy, culture, money...). They speak about current affairs and give entire and mostly impartial look of the situation. They get out usually every day – daily papers. They could be described by the words: well written and serious

people who read it are businessmen, people with higher education, people who don’t like blabs

The Independent, The Daily Telegraph, MF Dnes, Lidové noviny


smaller pages, dramatic headlines, lots of colour pages, plenty of photos, short articles, human interest stories and sensations, simple language, many blabs

they are more popular than broad sheets, in GB the circulation is about 3 mil per day, it is read by all society ranks

The Sun, The Mirror, Blesk, Šíp

Special interests magazines

they are issued weekly or monthly, they deal with special things (gardening, computers, food...) They cover many different interest groups: women, men, girls, sport fans, gardening, cooking, computers, music, nudity etc. Lots of them offer free gifts to tempt the readers. Some pages are used for advertisements of companies or people. The majority of media is financed by advertising. The graphic is very rich and the paper has a high quality.

they are much more expensive than daily newspapers but they are printed in better paper, you should be specialized in a certain area to understand the news


Radio is the second oldest kind of media. Although we nowadays have TV radio is still very popular. It has lots of advantages:

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