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1. Key terminology of the British Isles and british regionalism

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The second coroner's inquests were held from 1 April 2014 to 26 April 2016. They ruled that the supporters were unlawfully killed due to grossly negligent failures by police and ambulance services to fulfil their duty of care. The inquests also found that the design of the stadium contributed to the crush, and that supporters were not to blame for the dangerous conditions. Public anger over the actions of their force during the second inquests led to the suspension of SYP chief constable David Crompton following the verdict. In June 2017, six people were charged with offences including manslaughter by gross negligence, misconduct in public office and perverting the course of justice for their actions during and after the disaster. The Crown Prosecution Service subsequently dropped all charges against one of the defendants.


  • coal mining area (uhlí)

  • very strong Mining unions – miners strikes (1984) – closure (Margaret Thatcher) of a lot of mines had a big impact on this area

  • solidarity, countryside, community

  • Thatcher started importing coal to Poland or CSR

  • she striked in summer 1984-85 they didn’t get payed, she wanted to destroy the trade union movement and miners

  • these people voted for Brexit


  • locals are nicknamed Brummies

  • black country (dust)- big pollution

  • based on heavy industry


  • one of the most multiculturalism, wealthiest and probably oldest city

  • stock market and financial centre of Europe

  • 10 million people

  • the original East London inhabitants are known as Cockneys with a striking dialect

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