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15. Technology, science and us - P

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15. Technology, science and us

Abuse of science and technology

The technology can be abused for bullying, stalking or to hack someone’s accounts. If it’s a bank account, they may steal all your money, for example. Also the scince can be abused for finding new more effective ways of killing people, for example. I can mention nuclear bomb, Napalm in Vietnam or Cyclone B during WW1. And of course, it was also used for example in Auschwitz during WW2.

Advances in medicine

Medicine made great progresses. Many years ago care and treatment were really miserable. People tried to treat themselves with herbs or other natural substances. When they had a fracture, they used to tie it with clothes and support it with some stick. In some countries they also prepared medicaments from fruit juice or venom. These days the doctors have special tools, special hospitals and operating theatres and they know lots of diseases, so they are prepared for everything and usually they try to prevent hard diseases, because they use special apparatus, like X-ray, scan, magnetic resonance…

Famous inventors

Thomas Alva Edison – a light bulb

Henri Becquerel – a radioactivity

Albert Einstein – the theory of relativity

Isaac Newton – the theory of gravitation

Charles Darwin – the theory of evolution

Denis Papin – a pressure cooker

Johannes Gutenberg – a book printing

Galileo Galilei – a telescope

Alexandr Fleming – a penicillin

The brothers Lumières – a film and a photography

James Watt – a steam engine

Wilhelm Rontgen – an X-ray Tim Berners Lee – an internet

Otto Wichterle – contact lenses

Prokop Diviš – a lightning conductor

Josef Ressel – a propeller

František Křižík – an arch lamp

Modern technologies and the problems of today’s world

Modern technologies really improve our lives, but there can be of course some problems with them. Our world is becoming technical and sometimes robotic. The biggest problem I think is using social networks. People don´t see each other so often, they prefer to talk with their friends through mobile or Facebook, Twitter, etc. If there is a problem they try to avoid arguing face to face and they rather write SMS or message on PC. The other problems can be with household appliances. They can release toxic gases, for example a fridge. And also means of trasport are very common way of travelling and the exhaust gases are very harmful.

Moral dilemmas connected with the use of new technologies

Information technologies take many forms. They open new way of interacting with each other. Everyone shares a lot of personal information on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, ect.. Today more consumers, proffesionals and organizations may violet standarts of privacy.

Our dependence on computer technologies

A computer is for us big benefit and help these days. We can find on the internet a lot of information, we can chat with our friends, we can download films or music, we can write a piece of work to school, etc.

But sometimes these good things can turn into bad direction. The addiction might not be so bad – just that way someone need to chat with someone all the time and can’t even imagine his life without his mobile. But many people, especially children, like playing games on the computer and when the games are aggressive or addictive they can cause big problems. And that´s what parents should be watchul and rather let children go out and play outside.

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