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21. Media

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Exaggerating a problem

Sometimes an imaginary or exaggerated problem causes incredibly serious reactions from society. And that’s exactly what the media wants: attention and discussion. The amplification of problem has a big fault in creating the moral panic. As an example we can use rave scene, mods and rockers or using of soft drugs in 1990s.

Putting out information gradually

When you reveal the whole issue at once it can causes riots. But when you reveal it bit by bit it suddenly seems as not as big disaster.

Postponing big decisions

To convince people to make hard or unpopular decisions, the media can present them as "painful, but absolutely necessary". But then they tell people that these decisions need to be made tomorrow, not today. The future sacrifices are easier than those you have to do today. For example you learn from the news that an income tax increase inevitable. It seems like a disaster. But then you will find out that it will take effect in two years and suddenly you stop to be interested in.

Being overly kind

Some advertisements use language, arguments, symbols, and intonations that would be better fit for speaking with children. They’ll play your favourite childhood tune, make a plain joke and smile at you like your grandma does. BUY IT. TRY IT. LOVE IT. This effectively holds your attention from the important facts about the product.

Playing up more feelings, less thinking

Hyped-up emotions don’t let you perceive facts critically and objectively because they block the rational part of your mind. The classical example is war. War always catches our attention and fills us with hatred or fear depending on which perspective is shown to us.

Keeping people uniformed

The media and the government can manipulate any society if that society doesn’t understand the techniques being used on them, and this happens due to a lack of education. We can use 1984 as an example. As far as people don’t know that they are manipulated, it’s good manipulation. However times have changed and with the internet we can find almost whatever we want. But there is a big factor. Our laziness.

Promoting mediocre products

The media is totally content in showing people that it’s cool to be stupid, vulgar, and rude. This is why we have so many TV shows, sitcoms, movies with sequels and prequels, tabloids, and so on. What would you rather watch after a hard day in the work, an economic study programme or Big Bang Theory. Of course a rest is important but it’s not ok when mind-numbing sitcoms and TV shows become the only thing you watch.

Making people feel guilty

People blame themselves for wars started by governments, not themselves. The only way to fight this is to stay objective even when you’re exposed to something that makes you feel emotional and guilty. The media are trying to attack on your emotions every time and so make themselves innocent while blaming you.

Knowing more about people than they do about themselves

In 2005, the British tabloid “News of the World” was caught wiretapping celebrities, politicians, and even members of the royal family. But it is not just about wiretapping in order to get more readers. Sciences like biology, neurobiology and applied psychology help media experts get an understanding of the human mind deep enough to control them.

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