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effects on plans, water, buildings

- acid rain makes trees grow more slowly, they grow old too quickly and then they die. It is very aggressive

- acids have a corrosive effect on limestone or marble buildings or sculptures

- the acidity in the water can cause many fish and sea life to die, and that can throw off the whole food-chain


ozone hole

- ozone forms a layer in the upper atmosphere which protects life on Earth from ultraviolet rays

- ozone breakdown is caused by chemicals released into the atmosphere by people

- Earth’s ozone has opened up each year over Antarctica, the tip of South America, and parts of Australia and

New Zealand, in Europe over Norway, Sweden, Finland

- possible effects of the Sun’s UV rays: it can cause premature aging, wrinkling and skin cancer

-> how protect yourself - when outside for long periods, wear a broad brimmed hat

- wear sunglasses that absorb UV rays

- wear sunscreen with a sun-protection factor

- the best protection is to stay out of the sun between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

greenhouse effect

- greenhouse effect is when there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

- the main problem is caused by the greenhouse gases - they influence the greenhouse effect and cause

the global warming (warming up)

-> the global warming causes big changes on the Earth, consequences of global warming:
- the temperature of the atmosphere rises
- the glaciers melt -> the level of the oceans rises
- the number of very hot days can increase, global warming can cause draughts
- some species of animals become endangered or extinct (they can die out)
- changes on the Earth may cause tornados, earthquakes, floods and droughts

- more modern stations should be built, there are other sources of energy: wild power, water, solar en., nuclear en.

geothermal energy,...


- it is the cutting down of trees in a large area, or the destruction of forests by people

- trees are very important for us, because they produce oxygen for breathing

- the reasons are clear: people need more space for agriculture because the soil is infertile, they also need noble

kinds of wood to sell and earn money

- the accumulation of carbon dioxide causes a greenhouse effect


animal and plant protection

- there are many animals threaded with extinction, e.g. mountain gorillas, whales, rhinos, elephants,...

-> how to protect endangered species:

- don't throw away bottles, newspapers, etc., take them to a bottle bank or newspaper bank, and then they

can be recycled (= used again), recycle and buy sustainable products

- plant more trees

- don't waste resources e.g. water, gas., try to save them, do not buy plastic products

„green organizations“

- because of these problems, there are many groups of people whose aim is conservation (= the protection of

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