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23. Post war america

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  • Agent Orange, which was used during the Vietnam War to clear dense vegetation, is a deadly herbicide with long-lasting effects. Napalm, a gel-like fuel mixture that burns slowly and more accurately than gasoline, was used in bombs.

  • 388,000 tons of napalm was dropped in Vietnam during 1963 -1973 period – more than ten times the amount of napalm used in Korea.

  • More than 13 million gallons of Agent Orange was used in Vietnam, or almost two-thirds of the total amount of herbicides used during the entire Vietnam War.


  • Soft tissue sarcoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma have long been associated with Agent Orange exposure. Recently, long-tern studies have established a strong link with prostate cancer and bladder cancer.

  • Rest of the problems mentioned previously in the document

Who was Lee Harvey Oswald and did he kill JFK?

  • Lee Harvey Oswald was a former of U.S. Marine and an American Marxist.


  • Right after he turned twenty, he traveled to the Soviet Union. He was really desired to be a Soviet Union citizen. He was questioned by many officers why he wants to become a citizen, and he always answered: “I am a communist and I always have been talking about the Soviet Union as a Great Soviet Union”. The day his visa was going to expire, he was told that his citizenship was refused and that he has to leave the country that evening. So, he cut his left wrist, and that led that Oswald stayed in Moscow a bit longer. While being under psychiatric observation, he told four more officers that he really wants to stay in the country and that he wants to become a real citizen. In 1961 he met his wife Marina and after less than six weeks they got married. In 1962 his first child was born, and then he and his family moved back to the United States.


  • There are a lot of theories around the assassination John Fitzgerald Kennedy. In my own opinion the one with Oswald is the one I believe.

  • J. F. Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States. His wife Jaqueline Kennedy rarely accompanied him on political outings. They were in an open-top convertible, and having a ride through the city of Dallas, Texas. A lot of people (crowds of people) were waving to the president Kennedy. As the vehicle passed the Texas School Book Depository at 12:30 p m, Oswald allegedly fired three shots from the sixth floor. He fatally injured Kennedy, Governor Connally was seriously injured. Kennedy was pronounced dead 30 minutes later in the hospital.

  • In conclusion, there are a lot of theories. Most of the people believe that Oswald was the one who did it. But there is not a theory which would be 100 % right.

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