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One of our most renowned universities is Charles University, founded in 1348 by Charles IV. This school was the first university in Central Europe.


The American school system is quite free. When students enter high school, at the age of 14 or15, they can choose their own courses with the help of a councilor. Unlike in the Czech Republic, U.S. students are not always in the same class with the same group of students. There are no oral exams in the American school system. Most exams are “multiple choice” – the student chooses from one of four or five possible answers. But students must also do research. If the student plans to go to university, he or she must write the SAT exam, which is also multiple choice.

American universities are the best in the world. A high percentage /48%/ goes to universities, but only 24% finish. There are private universities and state universities; private universities are more prestigious but also more expensive /up to $60.000 for 4 years/. Students pay for it with loans and part-time jobs.


In Britain, students must attend school until 16. Then they write an exam, which covers many areas, called the O-level exam. After this exam the student has a choice. He or she can leave school and look for work. Or the student can stay in school for 2 more years and write exams in 1 or 2 subjects, called A-levels. A student must have A-level to go to university. Only about 14 % of British students go to university, but most finish. The most famous universities are Oxford and Cambridge.

Most people in England go to state schools, but England is also famous for its elite boarding schools /called “public schools”/. These schools are often single sex and have many traditions. Most of Britain’s politicians and business leaders went to public schools.

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