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A decreased ability to think or concentrate is as characteristic of a major depression as it is of dementia. Older persons with depression typically show physical signs such as loss of appetite, weight loss, apathy, and inability to initiate activity. Of great concern is that are at high risk for suicide. The more common dementias are due to Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive disorder of unclear aetiology.

  1. Stroke

8. Traumatic brain injury

Age is a factor in predicting outcome following traumatic brain injury. Increased morbidity and a poorer overall functional outcome are reported for injuries occurring after the age of 60. The influence of age is theorized to be due to reduced plasticity of the older nervous system, but it is likely also due to higher incidence of medical complications related to traumatic brain injury in the older age group.

  1. Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal cord injuries in the older population more often result from falls that from

motor vehicles accidents, the major cause in younger persons. Older spinal cord-injured persons are more likely to have medical complications such as pneumonia, gastrointestinal haemorrhage, and pulmonary emboli.

  1. Amputation

Success in the rehabilitation of an elderly amputee may not be so much related to age as

to a number of associated factors. One such factor is level of amputation. The energy requirements for walking with an above-knee prosthesis are significantly higher than for a below-knee amputees. In the evaluation of the geriatric patient for prosthetic fitting, important considerations include visual acuity, upper extremity strength, lower extremity flexion contractures, the health of the other limb, cardiopulmonary disease, and cognitive status.

  1. Musculoskeletal Limitations

Chronic musculoskeletal problems are common in the elderly. Evidence of osteoarthritis is said

to be universal in persons over the age of 65.

  1. Decubiti

Pressure sores characteristically occur over bony prominences in an elderly person at bed rest or seated in a chair. They develop owing to many factors that impair the metabolism of the tissues, including mechanical, medical, and biochemical factors. Prevention is the most desirable management. In a case of the pressure sores it is necessary to relieve the pains. Protection in bed ranges from frequent changes of position and use of a special pad, foam, and gel.

euthanasia euthanasia

geriatrics geriatrie

geriatrist geriatr, odborný lékař pro choroby stáří

gerontologist gerontolog

gerontology gerontologie

hospice hospic

locomotor system pohybový systém

long-term therapy dlouhodobá léčba

longevity dlouhověkost

manual handling ruční zacházení, manipulace

meals on wheels hotové jídlo donesené domů

morbidity chorobnost, choroba

the elderly starší osoby, starší populace

decubiti proleženina

emphysema dušnost


dementia demence

muskuloskeletal limitations pohybové omezení

senile osteoporosis stařecká osteoporóza

diabetes diabetes

Témata, do kterých materiál patří