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Health and diseases

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or head injuries, in athletics it could be problems with legs and muscles and in basketball which I play as I said it is also problems with knees, twisted ankles or broken fingers from ball. I had sprained ankle for 4 times. Last ankle problem that I had happened on tournament 2 years ago. I accidentally jumped on a foot of the player from opposite team and my ankle twisted. It started to be swollen (nateklé) really fast and it pretty hurt. I put my feet up and then I went to the hospital. They gave me plaster (sádra) and crutches (berle) for 3 weeks and then had to play with ankle brace (ortéza). From that time, I haven´t got any injury.

  1. Because I am trying to protect myself before it. I always stretch my body and if something hurts me, I resolve (řeším) it immediately and gave myself a rest and that is the best and even really easy way that I can do for my body. But it is also about luck so you can´t pretend what is going to happen. And when I do this, I would be really angry if some illness makes me stop playing, so I also trying to protect my inside health. There are several ways how you can do this. For example, taking probiotics or going on some kind of therapies maybe. But I do it also really simply. I am just trying to eat lot of vitamins, fruit and vegetable, relax from time to time and if it is possible sleep a lot but it´s sometimes not that easy.

  2. And if I have some problem that could be bigger, I go to see my GP (praktický lékař). I always have with myself the insured´s card (kartičku pojištěnce) which I give to my doctor when I come to waiting room. Then she calls me into her surgery (ordinace) and I tell her my problem with all symptoms, than she make everything that is necessary, sometimes she look into my throat, check my blood pressure, take my blood or listen my heart beat to make the best decision. After that she give me few recommendations like to stay in bed or drink a lot and sometimes, she must write me prescription (recept) to some drugs.

  3. So easily it is important to protect our health at all and if some problem sometimes come into our life, we should resolve it and don´t just let it go. And that is the best way to be healthy.

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