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Stáhnout kompletní materiál zdarma (7.54 kB)

Níže je uveden pouze náhled materiálu. Kliknutím na tlačítko 'Stáhnout soubor' stáhnete kompletní formátovaný materiál ve formátu DOCX.

The ways of getting documents are purchase, exchange, gift or legacy or compulsory print.


Processing could be defined as a creation of documentary fund (gathering of secondary documents like catalogues and lists of bibliography).

Catalogues could be name and substantive.

Name processing is the creation of bibliographical description, heading and name autorities. Substantive processing means the creation of the content of document´s characteristics.


Storing includes: propriate storage of documents in various storing devices

optimal physical conception according to propriate ways of ordering

transportation and redislocation of documents in library or system

documents protection from negative effects or stealing

primary storing= keeping information on the original medium

secondary storing= keeping information transposed to another media

Making accessible

Making fund accessible allows: the possibility of entry into the fund (not just for the employees)

direct contact with documents

choosing from the fund

studying documents in library


the possibility of absence borrow

library associations:

Library associations gather people who are interested in librarianship with the goal of making better the quality of services in libraries (ČIS, SKIP, IFLA, LIBER, ELAG).

ČIS- Czech information company- association of people who work in branch which includes searching information, keeping information or making it accessible (scientific, technical, economic….characters)

SKIP- The association of librarians and people working with information in the Czech Republic

Témata, do kterých materiál patří