Political, CR, GB
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The British Parliament meets in the Palace of
Westminster and consists of a Lower House -
The House of Commons - and a Upper House -
The House of Lords. It's the most powerful
legislative body in the UK, so it has the political
power to make laws or change existing ones.
The public elects 650 Members of Parliament
(members of the House of Commons) every 5
of the Czech
came into
force in
1993. It
defines the
the country,
the state's
and stands
above all
other laws.
The head of the UK
Government is the Prime
Minister (currently Theresa
May from the Conservative
Party), who is accountable
to Parliament, both the
Lower and Upper House.
Unlike in the United Kingdom, both
Chambers of the Czech Parliament
are elected by the public, but the
Senate is elected in different
The "legislative elections" form
the Chamber of Deputies and the
Government, which is usually
assembled by the leader of the
winning political party.
supervises the
Government and
after the general
election the
prevailing party in
the Parliament
usually reign as the
Government party.
Historically, there were two successful British
political parties, the Conservative Party
(sometimes called Conservatives) and the
Labour Party. The third most popular party in
the UK are the Liberal Democrats.
In the UK, candidates in
the parliamentary elections
cannot be members of the
police or armed forces.
Also excluded are civil
servants and judges.
Candidates also cannot be those
who are subject to bankruptcy.
...is in fact creating and adopting
new laws by making proposals and