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The respiratory system

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People saved from drowning and victims of shock frequently experience apnoea (cessation of

breathing). If breathing stops, a person will lose consciousness after 4 or 5 minutes. Brain damage is likely to occur after 7 to 8 minutes and after 10 minutes the person will die. That’s why is necessary to start artificial ventilation.



1. What is meant by ventilation?

2. What are the main parts of the upper respiratory system?

3. What are the main parts of the lower respiratory system?

4. Describe the trachea.

5. What is tracheotomy?

6. What do you know about frequency of breathing?

7. What is meant by the vital capacity of the lungs?

8. Explain sleep apnoea.

9. Describe emergency first aid in a person who has stopped breathing.

10. Which sports would you recommend to children suffering from asthma?

11. In what ways is tobacco addictive?

12. Why should a pregnant or breastfeeding woman refrain from smoking?

13. Do you think smoking should continue to be banned from public places?

Why or why not?


1. The lungs are paired organs within the ________________ .

2. The bronchial tree consists of primary, secondary and segmental __________, as well as

microscopic __________________ .

3. Bronchioles terminate in _______________________ .

4. Quiet inspiration is produced by expansion of the thorax and by contraction of ______

and external intercostal muscles.

5. Breathing is controlled by the centres in the ___________________ oblongata.

6. _____________________ contains C-shaped rings of cartilage.

7. The vocal cords are contained within the _________________________

8. The risk of developing _________________ is 20 times greater in people who

regularly smoke.


air-borne infection kapénková infekce

air-sack plicní sklípek

alveolus, pl. alveoli alveol, plicní sklípek

anthracosis pulmonary antrakóza plic, zaprášení plic uhelným


apn(o)ea apnoe, krátkodobé zastavení dýchání

artificial respiration umělé dýchání

attack of asthma astmatický záchvat

breath dech

breath sounds šelesty

breathing dýchání

breathlessness ztížené dýchání, dušnost

bronchiole průdušinka

bronchus, pl. bronchi bronchus, průduška

bronchitis bronchitida, zánět průdušek

carbon dioxide oxid uhličitý

cartilage chrupavka

cough kašlat

drain drenážovat, odvádět

drainage drenáž

emphysema emfyzém, rozedma

exertion námaha

expire vydechovat

fibrositis zánět vazivové tkáně

fit of coughing záchvat kašle

folic acid kyselina listová

hay fever senná rýma

huffing metoda nuceného výdechu

inhale vdechovat, inhalovat

inhaler inhalátor

inheritance dědičnost

inspire vdechovat

larynx hrtan

laryngitis laryngitida, zánět hrtanu

mucosa sliznice

mucus hlen, sliz

oxygen kyslík

passegeway průchod, spojovací chodba

percussion poklep

pharynx hltan

pollen pyl

pollen fever senná rýma

pulmonary fibrosis fibróza plic

respirator dýchací přístroj, respirátor, kyslíkový přístroj

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