The United States of America
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- enormously rich in raw materials – natural gas, phosphates, salt, coal, minerals
- one of a top producer of peanuts, wheat, cotton and dairy products
- leading country in production of chemicals, cars, machinery, computers
- currency is US dollar
- North California – Silicon Valley global centre for high technologies, innovations and social medias
Washington D.C.
Named by 1. president G. Washington
1790 become capital city
D.C. – District of Columbia
Capitol – seat of government
White house – seat of president
Washington monument
Jefferson and Lincoln memorials
New York city
Most populous city
5 parts (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Staten Island)
Statue of liberty – on liberty island, from France
The Empire state building – amazing skyline on top
Wall street – financial centrum
Times square, Broadway, Central park
Another: LA, Hollywood, San Francisco (Golden gate bridge), Las Vegas, Chicago
National Parks
Yellowstone – oldest one
Yosemite, Grand Canyon
Sport: NFL (American footbal), NBA (Baketball), NHL (ice hockey), Baseball, 4 times Olympic games (last in Utah in 2002), US open and golf tournament