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Přednáška-speaking and writing

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Teaching speaking and writing 

Productive/receptive skills 

Sociocultural rules 
Rules of writing 

Productive skills in the classroom 

Teaching productive skills is closely interwoven 
with receptive skills.  Output and input  
Texts as models 
Texts as stimuli 
Reception as part of production 
Production enables reception 

Problems and solutions 

• Suply key language 
• Plan in advance 
• Choose intresting topics 
• Create interest in topics 
• Activate schemata 
• Vary topics and genre 
• Provide information  


The main goal is to  become more 


Problems connected with speaking 

Shyness and inhibition 
Finding things to say 
Low participation of individuals 
L1 use 

Practical principles for designing  

speaking activities 

Prepare the discussion well - make a careful choice 
of topic and task  
Use group/pair work 
Base the activity on easy language 
Give some instruction or training in discussion skills. 
Keep students speaking the target language. 
Make students aware of the purpose of the activity.  

Structure of a speaking/ writing 


lead-in- students to be get engaged with the 
setting the task - explanation of what exactly 
the learners are going to do + distribution of the 
materials required,  
monitoringthe task, task-related follow-up
(Harmer, 2007, 275) 

Some practical ideas for discussion 

activities/communication games

Dialogues  - creating/ rehearsing 
Communicative games – 20 questions/ just a 
minute/call my bluff/ 
Discussions -  buzz groups/ instant 
comment/formal debate/balloon debate 
Describing pictures 
Picture differences 
(pair work) 

Things in common (pair work) 
Interactional talk (how to greet, take leave, begin 
and end conversation -)  
Long turns ( telling stories, jokes, describing a place 
or a person in detail, recounting the plot of a film) 

Task and topic based activities 

Topic based activities - discussions  
Task based activities – solving problems 
/pyramid discussions / see a video/  
Boardgames- see a video 

Témata, do kterých materiál patří