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Dialogue 1 a / ə/

A: So what went wrong?

B: Well, you said all I needed was a pencil, a ruler, a piece of wood, a saw, a hammer and a couple of nails.

A: I said you needed a pencil, a ruler, a piece of wood, a saw, a hammer and a couple of nails, and a bit of common sense.

B: Huh?

Dialogue 2 an /ən/

A: I need an immediate answer.

B: You shall have an answer in an hour or so.

A: I must have an answer now.

B: It‘s not an easy decision to make. But if you insist on an immediate answer, it must be an extremely relucant ‘no‘.

A: Oh.

B: Sorry.

A: Well, I suppose if you do need an extra hour or so…

B: But I don’t now, do I? Would you like an extra drink?...Before you go?

Dialogue 3 the / ðə/

A: Now the exercise – the drill. Listen:

The pear, the peach, the pineapple.

The apple, the orange, the apricot. Now repeat.

B: The pear, the peach, the pineapple.

The apple, the orange, the apricot.

A: The father, the mother. The uncle, the aunt.

B: The father, the mother. The uncle, the aunt.

A: Revision: Apple, pear.

B: The apple, the pear.

A: Good. New word: end.

B: The end.

A: Fine.

B: The fine.

A: OK. Stop.

B: The stop.

A: I mean you can stop now. Thanks. Good.

Dialogue 4 and /ənd /ən/ /n/

A: A whisky and soda. A whisky and water. A brandy and soda. Three gin and tonics with ice and lemon. And another whisky and soda. And a glass of water for me.

B: So that‘s a whisky and soda. A whisky and water. A brandy and soda. Three gin and tonics with ice and lemon. And another whisky and soda. And a glass of water for you, sir.

A: No, wait a minute. Can I change that? I‘d like a whisky and soda. A whisky and water. A brandy and soda. Three gin and tonics with ice and lemon. And another whisky and soda. And an orange juice for me.

B: Right sir. A whisky and soda. A whisky and water. A brandy and soda. Three gin and tonics with ice and lemon. And another whisky and soda. And an orange juice for you, sir.

Dialogue 5 of /əv/

A: There you are, Betty. A bottle of milk. Three boxes of matches. A can of beans. Two bags of sugar. A packet of biscuits. A jar of jam. A bottle of lemon squash. And two tins of peaches. That‘s the lot, I think. OK?

B: Thanks dear. How much was it? Ugh! What’s this in the bottom of the bag?

A: Oh yes. And half a dozen eggs.

Dialogue 6 at /ət/

A: Where were you at one o’clock?

B: At one o’ clock? At my mother’s.

A: At two o’ clock?

B: At two o’clock? At my sister’s.

A: And at one thirty?

B: At one thirty, Officer? At a point approximately half way between my mother’s and my sister’s.

A: At the jeweller’s shop, perhaps?

B: Only for five minutes, at the most. Why?

A. We can talk about that down at the police station.

Dialogue 7 that /ðət/

A: We all know that we face problems. We know that we face difficulties. We are all aware that the difficulties we face are not difficulties that we will overcome immediately., or that will be overcome easily. We all recognise that the problems that confront us are not problems that will be solved overnight. But I sometimes wonder if we realise … if we realise sufficiently, that….

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