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Předmět Graph Algorithms and Complexity Theory (BIE-GRA)

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Graph models and related graph algorithms belong to a basic theoretical framework that has a number of applications both in computing and other domains. The aim of this module is to develop the abilities needed to recognize which graph model is appropriate and which algorithm should be used when solving a specific problem. It also builds some useful habits, such as how to find or estimate bounds of algorithmic complexity or limits of practical solvability of some types of problems.


1. Kolář, J. ''Theoretical Computer Science''. Praha: ČVUT, 1998. ISBN 80-01-01788-5.3. Cormen, T. H., Leiserson, C. E., Rivest, R. L. ''Introduction to Algorithms''. The MIT Press, 2001. ISBN 0262032937.4. Sedgewick, R. ''Algorithms in Java, Part 5: Graph Algorithms (3rd Edition)''. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2003. ISBN 0201361213.


We assume a working knowledge of basic abstract data types, their efficient implementations and applications to graph problem solutions. Students are expected to have a passive knowledge of basic proof techniques used in mathematics (proof by induction, by contradiction, constructive proof) and apart from being able to design a new or modify an existing algorithm, they should be able to analyze its complexity.


Josef Kolář


Josef Kolář