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Předmět Object Modeling (BIE-OMO)

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The aim of the course is to explain the fundamentals of the object-oriented paradigm in software development, with emphasis on modelling data objects. Even the best object-oriented programming language cannot ensure by itself that a design will meaningfully and efficiently exploit the object paradigm. Knowledge gained in this module forms the basis for correct application of the object-oriented paradigm in the follow-up modules aimed at software engineering and databases.The goal of the subject is also to train skills of abstraction and conceptualisation, skills important in software engineering, and also a skill to maintain consistency throughout various model levels from the conceptual through implementation to the programme itself. Students are lead to accurate, correct technical and formal expression.


1. Giancarlo Guizzardi: Ontological Foundations for Structural Conceptual Models, Telematica Instituut Fundamental Research Series, 2005. ISBN 90-75176-81-3.2. Merunka, V. Datové modelování. Praha: Alfa Publishing, 2006. ISBN 80-86851-54-0. 3. Merunka, V., Pícka, M., Pergl, R. Objektově orientovaná tvorba softwaru. Praha: Credit, 2004. ISBN 80-213-1159-2. 4. Merunka, V. Objektový přístup v databázových systémech. Praha: Credit, 2002. ISBN 80-213-0882-6. 5. Merunka, V., Pergl, R., Pícka, M. Objektově orientovaný přístup v projektování informačních systémů. Praha: ČZU, 2005. ISBN 80-213-1352-8.6. Knihy o Smalltalku volně ke stažení http://stephane.ducasse.free.fr/FreeBooks.html7. Kent Beck: Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns, Prentice Hall, 1996. ISBN 978-0134769042. Amazon Draft volně ke stažení8. Sherman Alpert, Kyle Brown, Bobby Woolf: The Design Patterns Smalltalk Companion, Addison-Wesley Professional, 1998. ISBN 978-0201184624. Amazon


Abstract thinking and formalisation skills, algoritimization fundamentals


Robert Pergl


Robert Pergl, Martin Podloucký