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Předmět Fundamentals of Agroecology - Bc. (AAA29E)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

Materiál Typ Datum Počet stažení

Další informace


PřednáškaIntroduction to agroecology, socio-economical backgroundOrganisms and the environment, abiotic environmental conditions, ecological tolerance, ecological nicheWater in the environment, water cycle, water in agricultureSoil and soil biota, ecological processes in the soil, soil degradation, erosion and its prevention, soil tillage, agriculture and soil protectionDemecology of agroecosystem biota, population characteristics, population dynamics, life strategiesBiotic interactions, positive and negative interactions in the agroecosystem, management of populations in the agroecosystemsCommunities, their structure and dynamics, ecological succession, applications of succession theory in agroecosystemBiodiversity, its importance and threatsBiogeochemical cycles of main elements, human activities influencing those cycles, agriculture and its role in biogeochemical cyclesEnergetic processes in the agroecosystems, energy sources, flux of energy, trophic chains, food webs, cultural energy in agroecosystem and its forms, energetic effectiveness of agricultureEvolution of agroecosystems - origins of agriculture, its spread, domestication of crops and farm animals, domestication syndromeTypology of agricultural systems, characterisation of conventional, organic and integrated farmingCvičeníIntroduction, literature and information sources, topics of semestral projects, individual topic selection by studentsBiota in the agroecosystemIndividual work, preparation of projects and presentations, individual consultationsIndividual work, preparation of projects and presentations, individual consultationsIndividual work, preparation of projects and presentations, individual consultationsIndividual work, preparation of projects and presentations, individual consultationsTest NoStudents presentations and discussionStudents presentations and discussionStudents presentations and discussionField excursionTest No

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Student knows basic structure and functions of agro-ecosystems. He understands the influence of abiotic factors onto organisms with possible modifications ot these factors in the range of agricultural systems. He has basic orientation in poblematic of population dynamics of agriculturally important species and biotic interactions among their populations. He understands the importance of agrobiodiversity, the methods of its measurement and protection. Student knows the specific ecology of soil and water environments, he can basically characterise biogeochemical cycles of basic biogenic elements. He has information about energy fluxes in agroecosystems. He knows the main production systems in agriculture in relation to energetic demands and their influence onto environment.Dovednosti:Student is able to describe basic elements and their connections in agroecosystems. He understands relations between particular environmental factors and their effect on organisms. He can analyse basic processes on the level of population, can identify basic elements of population dynamics and their influence on the management of abundance of agriculturally important species. He has got the information on the importance of mutual interactions in agrobiocenoses. He can specify critical points in matter cycles and energy fluxes. Student is able to analyse basic attributes of main agricultural systems. He has skills to project changes in current cropping systems and based on agro-ecological principles and the principles of sustainable agriculture.Kompetence - komunikace:Student is able to work both in the team and/or under the leadership of other person. He can communicate in Czech language with the use of professional terminology of this particular subject. He has the skills to formulate, discuss, and to present his own opinion, he can comprehensively share the information, thoughts, to concretise problems and to present solutions.Kompetence - úsudek:Student is able to do his work creatively and initiatively. Can assess and apply information sources (professional literature, documents, databases, web pages etc) and classify and evaluate the results of scientific research. During decision making process student uses his own knowledge together with other professionals. He is competent to support and organise work of other team members.


ZákladníGliessman, S. R. 2007. Agroecology - The ecology of sustainable food systems. CRC Press, 384 pp. ISBN 0-8493-2845-4Powers, L.E., McSorley, R. 2000. Ecological Principles of Agriculture. Delmar - Thompson Learning, Albany, 433 pp. ISBN 0-7668-0653-7Townsend, C.R., Begon, M., Harper, J.L. 2003. Essentials of Ecology. Blackwell publishing, Malden, 530 pp., ISBN 1-4051-0328-0DoporučenáAltieri, M. A. 1995. Agroecology. The Science of Sustainable Agriculture. Westview Press, 433 pp. ISBN 0-8133-1718-5Jackson, L.E. 1997. Ecology in Agriculture. Academic Press, California, 474 pp. ISBN 0-12-378260-0Knauer, N. 1993. Ökologie und Landwirtschaft. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, 280 pp.Loomis, R. S., Connor, D. J. 1992. Crop ecology. Productivity and management in agricultural systems. Cambridge University Press, 538 pp. ISBN 0-521-3876-0Wood, D., Lenné, J.M. 1999. Agrobiodiversity Characterization, Utilization and Management. CABI Publishing, Oxon, 490 pp. ISBN 0-85199-337-0




Ing. Josef Holec, Ph.D.