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Předmět Fundamentals of Genetics - Bc. (AGA44E)

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The main goal of the subject is to provide brief introduction into basic aspects of general genetics. Classical genetics and applications of molecular genetics will be taught as an integrated subject. Atractive topics involving genetically modified organism and organismal clonning will be discussed in principle, applications and legislative and ethical point of view.The principle and importance of sustainable use and conservation of natural resources will be emphasized.



Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Graduate knows and understands basic principles of coding realisation and transfer of genetic information to next generation. He knows different ways of cellular divisions and comprehends genetic results of them. He knows essential principles of transmission of genetic information in metazoan. He knows and can define different intergenic interaction and its effect on segregation of progenies. He understands the effects of gene linkage existence and comprehends possible application of these effects in other sciences. He knows and comprehends principles of sex determination and the heredity of characters genetically linked to sex. He knows principles of quantitative traits heredity and methods of evaluation its variability. He understands to terms as heritability, inbreeding, heterosis and comprehends effects of the selection in population on variability of qualitative and quantitative features. Graduate knows principles of population genetics and mechanisms changing genetic equilibrium in population. He knows current status of application of gene techniques and molecular DNA analyses in fundamental and applied research, development and practical application in GMO creation and another disciplines.Dovednosti:Graduate orients himself in principles of genetic coding and is able to analyze coding sequences of DNA or RNA in light of amino-acid codons composition and these sequences reciprocally translate. In microscopical preparation he is able unambiguously identify main phases of the cell life cycle and mitosis. He can estimate segregation probability of single phenotype categories in case of complete and non-complete dominance of alleles, in case of characters controlled by interactions of oligogenes, in case when the independent assortment is affected by gene linkage or by localisation of genes in gonosomes. He can analyse quantitative characters variability and estimate correlations between two quantitative characters. He can define heritability and use it for estimation of response of studied character to selection. Graduate can calculate the effect of heterosis and apply knowledge of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium to population analyses.Kompetence - komunikace:Graduate can work under the direction independently or in a frame of team cooperation. He can use technical terminology in English. He is able explain the technical terms to general public. He is able to formulate, discuss and adequately present his conclusions. Based on his knowledge, he is able to concretise problem and proposes its possible solution.Kompetence - úsudek:Graduate works creatively, initiatively and actively. He is able of independent opinion creation based on knowledge obtained from theoretical study and practical results of his own work. He is ready for use information resources (literature, documents and databases). He is able to analyse concrete situation based on generally known genetic principles. He can work under the direction independently or in team cooperation.


ZákladníBrooker, R. J. 2012. Genetics Analysis and principles. McGraw Hill. New York. p. 860. ISBN 9780073525280.DoporučenáElrod, S., Standsfield, W. 2001. Schaum's Outline Of Genetics. McGraw-Hill. USA. p. 500. ISBN 0393323145.Nussbaum, R. L., McInnes, R. R., Willard, H. F. 2007. Thompson & Thompson Genetics in Medicine. Saunders. USA. p. 464. ISBN 9781416030805.




Ing. Petr Sedlák, Ph.D.