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Předmět Agricultural systems I - Bc., Mgr. (AHA29E)

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The main goal of subject is to give to students an ability to recognize different farming systems related to different environmental and site conditions, and to understand specific requirements of individual crops and their role in the landscape sustainability.


PřednáškaStructure and functions of agroecosystemsMain agricultural systems around the world, their relation the climate and environmentSoils, soil fertility, and their parametersFactors affecting plant growth and yield formationImportance of nutrients for plant development and food qualityEnvironmental factors affecting crop production, agricultural production areasCrop rotations, crop sequences, and forecrop value of main cropsSoil tillage and basic equipment used in soil cultivationWeeds, pests, diseases, crop protection methods, and integrated pest managementCereal crops - importance and position in crop productionRoot crops - importance and position in crop productionOil crops - importance and position in crop productionMedicinal, aromatic and spicy plants - main groups, importance, production, quality evaluationRisks of contaminants spread in the environment for the quality of crops CvičeníIntroduction to seminars, rules and main topicMain soil parameters, their evaluation, principles of soil testsSources of organic matter in the soil, organic matter turnoverEstimation of nutrients rates applied into the soil, regulation of nutrient applicationAgricultural regionalization (production areas, LFA, vulnerable areas), LPISSoil tillage (types, tools, conventional and minimalization practices), crop rotationsPlant protection - definitionsCereal crops - dividing, discriminating digits, quality evaluationRoot crops and oil crops - dividing, discriminating digits, quality evaluationMedicinal, aromatic and spicy plants - discriminating digits, degustation of choiced tea drinksIndividual project presentation, evaluation of speakersIndividual project presentation, evaluation of speakersIndividual project presentation, evaluation of speakersEvaluation of semestr activities, group discussion, creditation

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:The student has a general overview about factors playing an important role in soil formation, and soil fertility development. He has to understand parameters of plant growth including nutrient uptake and pest control. He has knowledge about factors affecting crop production and about individual agricultural crops, its processed quality including nowadays perceptions of landscape countryside.Dovednosti:He is able to describe individual site according to land valuation units and to implement basic methods for the description and evaluating different agricultural systems. He knows description of main agricultural systems and main agricultural crops including their soil and plant management. He has ability to apply his knowledge for environmental protection.Kompetence - komunikace:He is capable to work as manager of small working group in agribusiness and also as individual providing advisory services. He can communicate with his co-workers by English language and partly in Czech one using professional terminology for this subject.Kompetence - úsudek:Student is able to evaluate criteria for description of individual agricultural systems, weather conditions and economical prosperity of main systems including needs of plants for nutrients and suitable growing conditions.


ZákladníMartin, J.H., Waldren, R.P., Stamp, D.L.(2006) Principles of Field Crop Production. Pearson Prentice Hall.Lichtfouse E., Navarrete M., Debaeke, P., Souchére V., Alberola, C. (eds.) Sustainable Agriculture. Springer, 2009, 920 p.Snapp, S., Pound B. (eds.) Agricultural Systems. Agroecology & Rural innovation for development. Elsevier, 2008, 386 p.Subrahmanyam N. S., Samburty A. V. S. S. (eds.) Ecology (2nd Edition). Alpha Science, 2006, 670 p.Gliessman S.R. Agroecology The ecology of sustainable food systems (2nd edition). CRC Press, 2006, 408 p.Petr, J. et al. (1991) Weather and Yield. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 288 p.Boote, K.J. et al. (1994) Physiology and Determination of Crop Yield. ASA, Madison, USA, 601 p.Wild, A. (1988) Russell's soil conditions and plant growth. Longman Scientific Technical, XI. Ed. 991p.Mengel K., Kirkby E.A. (2001) Principles of plant nutrition. Kluvier Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, 849p.Kohout V., Hajná M. (2004) Worlds agricultural systems CUA Prague, 147p.DoporučenáEl Titi, A. (ed.)(2003) Soil Tillage in Agroecosystems. CRC Press, 2003.Liebman, M., Mohler, C.L., Staver, C.P.(2001) Ecological Management of Agricultural Weeds. Cambridge University Press.Carlson, P.S. (1980) The Biology of Crop Productivity. Acad. Press, Inc. (London), 471 p.Wibberley, E.J. (1989) Cereal Husbandry. Farming Press Books, Ipswich, U.K., 258 p.Stevenson F.J., Cole M.A. (1999) Cycles of soils Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Micronutrients. 2nd edition, J. Wiley,652p.Marschner P., Rengel Z. (eds.) (2007) Nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. Springer - Berlin 582p.*




prof. Ing. Pavel Tlustoš, CSc.