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Předmět Agricultural Water Management - Mgr. (AIA15E)

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This course is designed to overview all aspects of water resources management with special regard to agriculture and agricultural regions. Accent is put on cross-sectoral, participatory-driven and coordinated approaches to water management in the river basin, thus going beyond the description of the resource and integrating or balancing demand. Without going into much technical detail, the students will learn to understand the complexity and interconnectedness of water management and environmental problems and will become capable of integrated system thinking. The elements of water balance, probability of exceedance, in-stream water use, irrigation and drainage are taught as main topics. While the basic stuff of the course is naturally based on the experience gathered in central Europe, due attention is also paid to various problems encountered in other parts of the world, particularly in other climates and other socio-economic conditions.


PřednáškaWater management: Basic featuresWater management: Branches, adjectives and paradigmsWater cycle, water balance and their componentsVariability of hydrological eventsIn-stream water useMain types of irrigation systemsSoil and waterDrip irrigationIrrigation: General framework with special regard to developing countriesWater and soil management: The solution for the future world food securityAgricultural drainageWater resources pollution and protectionEuropean Water Framework DirectiveWater management in the Czech RepublicCvičeníWater resourcesDrainage basin water balanceSoil profile water balanceVariability of hydrological eventsIn-stream water useFurrow irrigationCrop water requirementsDrip irrigationMid-semester testIrrigation in developing countriesAgricultural drainageWater resources pollution and protectionEcological status of water bodiesOrganisation of water management

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:The student understand the role of all essential branches of water management (water resources development and protection, water supply, sanitation, irrigation, drainage and flood control) in the life of human socities in different parts of the world. Accepts the idea that ecosystems are also legitimate users of water. Understands principles of water balance, runoff separation and probability of continous processes (including return periods). It knows basic aspects of in-stream water use (hydropower, navigation, fishery, ecosystems, water quality, recreation, inundation, minimum flows, stream morphology, fortification, restoration), reservoir operation, irrigation (surface, sprinklers, drip, soil water balance, infiltration, waterlogging, salinity, water scarcity, efficiency, scheduling, management), land drainage (reasons, effects, techniques) and water management organisation (Water Framework Directive, basin-wise management, integrated, participatory and adaptive approaches).Dovednosti:The student is able to: compose a water balance equation and work with it in quantitative terms (for a drainage basin or a soil profile), estimate the probability of exceedance and return period of events, design simple irrigation facilities, identify the types of water management facilities and structures according to figures, analyse statistical data on irrigated agriculture, work with discharge-rating curves, judge suitability of various measures and make a list of essential factors in various standard situations.Kompetence - komunikace:The student can communicate in English using professional terminology. He/she can work under supervision, in a team, or as a leader. He/she can formulate, discuss and present his/her own opinion, interpret opinions and results of others, communicate information and ideas, specify problems and both propose and implement their solutions.Kompetence - úsudek:The student can recognise and specify basic water management problems in standard but otherwise unknown situations in which he/she may find himself/herself, propose ways of obtaining further information, evaluate and judge these situations and solve the underlying problems. He/she is able to use, check, evaluate and synthesise the work of other persons in the branch.


ZákladníCech, T. V. 2010. Principles of Water Resources History, Development, and Policy. 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons Inc. p. 576. ISBN 9780470136317.Wescoat, J. L., White, G. F. 2003. Water for Life Water Management and Environmental Policy. Cambridge University Press. p. 322. ISBN 052169800 (pbk).DoporučenáMatula, S. 1999. Institutional Framework for Water Management in the Czech Republic. 2nd ed. Ministry of Agriculture, Prague. p. 156. ISBN 8021305541.Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy. Official Journal of the European Communities L372 (EN) 22.12.2000. p. 72. Also available from http//eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJL200032700010072enPDF.Azhar, A. H., Ashraff, C. N., Ahmed, M. 2011. Modern Irrigation Techniques and Technologies Efficient Utilisation of Scarce Water Resources. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller GmbH. p. 153. ISBN 9783639364590.




Ing. František Doležal, CSc.