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Předmět Agricultural systems II - Bc. (ALE02E)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu ALE02E - Agricultural systems II - Bc., Fakulta agrobiologie, potravinových a přírodních zdrojů, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze (ČZU).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

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The aim of this subject is to give fundamental knowledge on animal keeping, ethology, welfare and animal production. Main part is based on a general overview followed by specialized section. Lectures contain following themes: general zootechny, introduction to ethology,anatomy and physiology. General part is followed by lectures on individual species and breeding of main farm animals.


PřednáškaContribution of domestic animals, domesticationZootechnical taxonomy, gene resources,pedigree and herdbook, body conformation, branding of animalsEcological aspects of animal breeding, ecological livestock farmingIntroduction to animal ethologyApplied ethology of horsesApplied ethology of cattleApplied ethology of pigsAnimal welfarePhysiology of animals - stressPhysiology of animals - reproduction and lactationDairy cattle and milk productionPig and poultry productionAquaculture - fishery managementZoorehabilitationCvičeníBreeds of domestic animals, domestication changes, type traits in livestock and pets, body conditionAnimal ethology methods and animal welfare assessmentAnimal ethology methods and animal welfare assessmentExcursion - Practical aspects of ethology in ZOO PragueExcursion - Practical aspects of ethology in ZOO PragueExcursion - Practical aspects of horse keeping Excursion - Practical aspects of horse keeping Practical aspects of cattle keeping and pig breeding - school stablePractical aspects of cattle keeping and pig breeding - school stableApplied ethology of cattleApplied ethology of pigsZoorehabilitationPractical fisheryPresentation of students projects

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Students have a general overview of basic functions of agriculture from the animal breeding point of view.Dovednosti:s Students are able to choose appropriate methods of farming. Competencies - making judgments Students are capable to formulate opinions, specify and discuss issues related to animal production and the agricultural sector in general. When communicating in the Czech language, students are able to apply professional terminology used in this field. * Competencies - communication In following agricultural subjects, students are able to assess the context and relationships within the agricultural systems, and deeply analyze the problems associated with agricultural production. Kompetence - komunikace:žádná


ZákladníPond, W.G., Bell, A.W. Encyklopedia of Animal Science. M.Dekker, New York,2005, ISBN 0-8247-5496-4DoporučenáPond, K., Pond, W.G. Intorduction to Animal Science. J.Wiley and Sons. Inc. New York, ISBN 0417-17094-1Kilgour R., Dalton C., 1984 Livestock Behaviour-a practical guide. Granada Publ. ISBN 0-246-11906-3.Jensen, P. The Ethology of Domestic Animals-An Introductory Text.CABI Publishing, 2002, ISBN 0 85199- 602-7Webster, J. Animal Welfare-a cool eye towards eden. Blackwell Science Ltd. London, 1994,ISBN 0-632-03928 -0Kolektiv, 2002 Concepts in Animal Welfare, WSPA,London, University of Bristol.




Ing. Helena Chaloupková, Ph.D.