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Předmět Management of Turf and Lawn - Mgr. (ATA17E)

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The students receive theoretical and practical information about the modern approach of lawn and turf establishment, intensive and extensive ways of treatment and possible usages. The relations of lawns and turf to the environment and residential ambience are discussed. The technical equipment for establishment and treatment is also presented. Part of the course consists of seminars with practical demonstrations. The other is dedicated to a practical training in a football stadium, a golf course, decorative lawns of the Prague Castle. The actual state of the turf or lawn, wearing, ways of growing, machinery, irrigation systems, methods of lawn and turf evaluation etc. are presented to the students.


PřednáškaIntroduction to the issue, types and functions of lawns, ecological conditions for lawns and turf growingSoil profile improvementSoil substrates and other materials for lawns and turf growingAssortment of lawn grasses species and varietiesComposing of seed mixturesWays of lawns and turf establishing (sowing, sodding etcCutting and mechanical treatmentIrrigation, heatingFertilisation; weed, diseases and pests controlDecorative lawns (park, roof, railway and other lawns)Sport turf (football, tennis etcGolf coursesExtensive lawns (road lawns, places of flue, etcGrassing or refuse dumps, places of flue ash unloading etcCvičeníGrasses and grass seedsMaterials for soil profile construction, vegetative substratesLawn evaluation - practical trainingLawn evaluation - practical trainingDecorative lawns, green roofs - excursion, practical trainingDecorative lawns, green roofs - excursion, practical trainingFootball turf - excursionFootball turf - excursionGolf course - excursionGolf course - excursionGolf course - practical trainingExtensive landscape lawns - excursion - practical trainingExtensive landscape lawns - excursion - practical trainingTeaching process evaluation, pass - eligible

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Students have a detailed knowledge of the importancy of lawns in the living environment and the countryside. They have a deep theoretical information about establishing and cultivation of intensive lawns (decorative and sport) and extensive countryside lawns. They know and are able to describe and recognize grass species and varieties used for amenity purposes, their seed, material for soil profile construction, they can arrange grass mixtures for swards of different use They can describe comprehensively and give reasons for establishing and cultivation ways of lawns, they understand the principles and functions of used machinery. They appreciate the relations of the environment, anthropogenic wear and sward development.Dovednosti:Students can independently detarminate the amenity grass species in swards in different stages of development, so as their seeds. They are able to evaluate the sward state and suggest proper cultivation measures. They can recommend mixtures of suitable species for determinated conditions. They can apply and use scientific findings about biological properties and requirements of grass species for their cultivation and discuss the suitability of the treatments. They are oriented in machines types, fertilizers, materials and preparations used in turfgrass management and can discuss their functions.Kompetence - komunikace:Students are able to actuate as a subordinates or as heads in team collaboration. They are able to communicate, in the frame of their knowledge and skills, in English language using professional terminology of the mentioned subject. They can inform understandably and convincingly about their own professional opinion to other professionals and wider public.Kompetence - úsudek:The student approaches to his/her work with high level of creativeness and enthusiasm. They are able to identify and use English information sources (professional and scientific literature, databases, web pages etc.) and to evaluate results of research in the field of the mentioned and relative subjects. They are prepared to organize and supervise other team members to work under changing situations.


ZákladníTurgeon, A. J. 2002. Turfgrass management. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 400 s. ISBN 0-13-114000-0.DoporučenáBeard, J. B. 1982. Turf management for golf courses. United States Golf Association Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 642 s. ISBN 0-7668-1551-X.Beard, J. B. 2001. Turf management for golf courses. United States Golf Association Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 642 p. ISBN 1-57504-092-1.Turgeon, A. J., (ed.) 1994. Turf weeds and their control. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 259 p. ISBN 0-89118-120-2.Emmons, R., 2000 Turfgrass science and management. Delmar. United States of America. 525 p. ISBN 0-7668-1551-X.




prof. Ing. Miluše Svobodová, CSc.