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Předmět Management of Reproduction in Livestock - Mgr. (AVX01E)

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Posluchači získají teoretické znalosti a praktické zkušenosti z problematiky inseminace, porodnictví a řízení reprodukčního procesu v chovech hlavních druhů hospodářských zvířat - skotu, malých přežvýkavců, prasat, koní, drůbeže. Alternativně budou do sylabů zařazovány i další druhy - králík, vybraná laboratorní zvířata, masožravci, příp. člověk. Jednotlivé postupy a metody budou detailně probírány v rámci reprodukce skotu, coby modelového druhu. Problematika ostatních druhů bude přednášena dle obdobné osnovy, avšak se zaměřením na druhové specifity.


PřednáškaAcquisition, laboratory examination, dilution and preservation of spermCattle insemination-determin of the optimal time for insemination,the procedure of insemination of cows,natural breeding Pregnancy diagnostics, p arturition control, obstetrical assistance, treatment of newborns and their mothersSymptoms of the abnormal course of parturition, animal examination, causes of difficult parturitions (mother - foetus)Injury of the mother during parturition, disorders in newborn calvesActive control of cow puerperium, distinguishing among complications of its course, and first aidControl of the reproductive process in cattle breedingReproduction of goats and sheepReproduction of pigsReproduction of horsesReproduction of poultryOptional topics - rabbit reproduction, reproduction of selected laboratory animals, carnivoresCvičeníBull ABull AExamination of ejaculate - practical training in laboratoryExamination of ejaculate - practical training in laboratoryRectal examination and insemination of cows - dissection room, stableRectal examination and insemination of cows - dissection room, stableField trip with an insemination technicianObstetrics aids, solution of parturition complications - demonstrationSolution of parturition complications - trainingReproduction of small ruminants - demonstration of aids, video and photo documentationReproduction of horses - demonstration of aids, video and photo documentationInsemination of poultry

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:The student is able to describe and explain , or concisely summarize and characterize at the specifics of the main species od domestic animals - The issues of the acquisition, evaluation and processing of semen - Searching of the females on the heat, procedures of natural breeding and artificial insemination - Methods of the pregnancy diagnosis - Obstetrician activities at physiological delivery - Symptoms and causes of complications during parturition and the postpartum period, options and prevention - The issue of reproductive performance of breeded animals and management of livestock reproduction process. Dovednosti:The student is able to investigate and assess the ejaculate , locate, investigate and prepare animals for insemination , prepare insemination dose to use, provide assistance during physiological delivery , recognize the onset of complications and provide the first aid, reveal significant pathological deviations during the puerperium, evaluate reproductive performance breeding.Kompetence - komunikace:After successful completion of the course, the student disposes a higher level of skills to professionaly communicate in the foreign language, to work in a team, and a higher level of communication skills at all.Kompetence - úsudek:After successful completion of the course, the student disposes a higher level of skills to form his own judgment.


Základnílecture presentationsHafez, E.S.E., Hafez, B. 2000. Reproduction in Farm Animals. Williams and Wilkins, Lippincott. 6th edition. 495 pp. ISBN 0683305778.DoporučenáNoakes, D.E.. et al. 2001. Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. W.B. Saunders. London. 8th edition. 868 pp. ISBN 0702025569.Jackson, P.G.G. 1995. Handbook of Veterinary Obstetrics. W.B. Saunders. London. 221 pp. ISBN 0702017965.Jackson, P.G.G. 2004. Handbook of Veterinary Obstetrics. Saunders - Elsevier. London. 2nd edition. 261 pp. ISBN 0702027405.Youngquist, R.S., Threfall, W.R. 2007. Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology. Saunders - Elsevier. St. Lois. Missouri. 2nd edition. pp.1061. ISBN 0721693237.Arthur, G.H. et al. 1996. Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. W.B. Saunders. Londonl 7th editionl 726 ppl ISBN 070201785X.Morel, M.C.G.D. 1993. Equine Reproductive Physiology. Breeding and Stud Management. Farming Press Books. Ipswich. U.K. 1st edition. 450 pp. ISBN 0852362552.Gordon, I. 1997. Controlled Reproduction in Pigs. Controlled Reproduction in Farm Animals Series. CAB International. Wallingford. U.K. 239 pp. ISBN 0851991165.




doc. MVDr. Radko Rajmon, Ph.D.