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Předmět Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology - Mgr. (AVX02E)

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Posluchači získají podrobné znalosti o reprodukčních funkcích samců i samic jednotlivých druhů zvířat - skotu, prasat, malých přežvýkavců, koní, králíků, masožravců a drůbeže, částečně i člověka. Druhové spektrum bude dle možností modifikováno na základě zaměření posluchačů. Předmět poskytne teoretický základ pro předmět Management reprodukce HZ. Výuka probíhá v angličtině.


PřednáškaComparative morphology, organogenesis and physiology of the male reproductive systemComparative morphology, organogenesis and physiology of the female reproductive systemReproductive ethologySperm - composition of ejaculate, sperm morphology - species particularitiesMammalian egg, fertilization - interspecies comparisonPregnancy - embryonic and foetal phases of development, nutrition of the embryo and foetus, foetal membranes and fluidsPregnancy - changes in the maternal body, hormonal profile during pregnancy and before parturitionParturition - symptoms and triggering mechanism of parturition, birth canal, foetal positions, stages of labourParturition in individual animal speciesPuerperium-general changes in the maternal organism,involution of reproductive organs, restoration of the oestrus cycleBiology and endocrinology of poultry reproductionIntroduction to human reproductionCvičeníThe male reproductive system - comparative autopsy, microscopyThe female reproductive system - comparative autopsy, microscopyNeurohumoral regulation of reproductive functions - photo and video documentation (PVD), crystallising of cervical mucus, vaginal cytologyReproductive ethology - PVDSperm - demonstration of species differencesMammalian egg, fertilisation - microscopy, picture documentationEmbryo and foetus development - PVDPregnancy - PVDParturition - PVDParturition - PVDPoultry reproduction - autopsy, microscopyHuman reproduction - PVD

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:The student is able to describe and explain , or concisely summarize and characterize at the specifics of the main species of domestic animals - Organogenesis,morphology, physiolgy and control of reproductive system of males and females - Reproductive behavior of animals - Basic biology of gametes of both sexes and the process of fertilization - Development of the embryo and fetus , changes in the mother during pregnancy - Physiological course of delivery , the mechanisms triggering its onset, and other factors limiting its course - Changes in the mother during the postpartum period. Dovednosti:The student is able to identify and describe the semen, sperm cells. oocytes, male and female sexual organs, placenta, manifestations of sexual behavior and birth stages of most of the discussed species.Kompetence - komunikace:After successful completion of the course, the student disposes a higher level of skills to communicate professionaly in a foreign language and a higher level of communication skills at all.Kompetence - úsudek:After successful completion of the course, the student disposes a higher level of skills to form his own judgment (interspecies comparation).


Základní1. lecture presentations2. Hafez, E.S.E., Hafez, B. 2000. Reproduction in Farm Animals. Williams and Wilkins. Lippincott. 6th edition. 495 pp. ISBN 0683305778Doporučená1. Noakes, D.E.. et al. 2001. Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. W.B. Saunders. London. 8th edition. 868 pp. ISBN 0702025569.2. Jackson, P.G.G. 2004. Handbook of Veterinary Obstetrics. Saunders - Elsevier. London. 2nd edition. 261 pp. ISBN 0702027405.3. Youngquist, R.S., Threfall, W.R.. 2007. Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology. Saunders - Elsevier, St. Lois. Missouri. 2nd edition. pp.1061. ISBN 0721693237.




doc. MVDr. Radko Rajmon, Ph.D.