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Předmět Special Forest Plantations (LPX21E)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu LPX21E - Special Forest Plantations, Fakulta lesnická a dřevařská, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze (ČZU).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

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Další informace


Special forest plantations includes many specialised plantation as Christmas tree plantations, lignicultures, energy plantations, urban forestry etc. These special plantations needs special silvicultural systems and management which are the basis for the course. The lectures and exercises give basic ideas on the topic.


PřednáškaIntroduction to Czech forestry, basic data on Czech forestsApplied Typologic system for special plantationCriteria for coniferous and broadleaved species for special plantationsAfforestation of agricultural landChristmas tree plantationHydric function of forest stands, trees along the riversPoplar and willow plantationsWindbreak plantations and other protective plantationsUrban forests and forests for recreationSilviculture in urban forestsLigniculture and plantation as energy sourcesAgroforestryCvičeníIntroduction, Czech Forests basic dataApplied Typologic system for special plantationCriteria for coniferous and broadleaved species for special plantationsProject proposal (1) - Afforestation of agricultural land Seed orchard project and realisationEconomy of Christmas tree plantation and cultivationHydric function of forest stands, riparian forestsPoplar and willow plantationsStructure of windbreak plantationsUrban forests and forests for recreation - project proposal (2)Ligniculture and plantation as energy sourcesAgroforestry

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Graduates have have got solid knowledge how to use special species in forestry and their silvicultural regimes. They are able to use proper technology for seed, seedlings and plants as well as reforestation using either bare-root or containerized seedlings. They have got a large spectrum of knowledge in silviculture which gives them competence not only in "classic" silviculture but also for tree outside of forests.Dovednosti:Graduates are able to apply the acquired knowledge in all disciplines of silviculture i.e. seed technology, forest nursery, reforestation and stand tending. Graduates are able to be actually informed on news in their disciplines (including foreign literature) and apply them adequately. They are able to create new technology based on new knowledge. They could be a leaders of specialized team in silviculture.Kompetence - komunikace:They could be a leader of all activities in technology chain as well as checking person. In case of need they are able to guarantee high level standard in terms of quality as well as economic effectiveness.Kompetence - úsudek:Graduates are able independently evaluate the quality of reproductive material (both seed and planting stock). They could choose proper reproductive material for given site creating new forest stand with adequate species composition. They will be able to choose planting technology which is adequate to the site


ZákladníKUPKA I. Silviculture strategies in urban and periurban forests. In Neuhoferova P(eds.) Management of urban forests around large cities. FLE ČZU v Praze, 2005, 13-14 p. ISBN 80-213-1381-1SOLBERG, B (eds). et al., Conflict management and public participation in land management, EFI, Joensuu, Finland, 1997, 340 p. ISBN 1237-8801DoporučenáBACHMANN, P. et al., Assessment of biodiversity for improved forest management, EFI Joensuu, Finland, 1996, 192 p. ISBN 952-9844-14-XSPIECKER, H. et al., Growth Trends in European Forests, Springer, Berlin, New York, 1996, 370 p. ISBN 3-540-61460-5




prof. Ing. Ivo Kupka, CSc.