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Předmět Bachelor thesis 3rd Year (LXX09Z)

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Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Through the literature review the students get in-depth knowledge in the field of their thesis. This knowledge must exceed the knowledge provided in related courses because the students must demonstrated the in-depth understanding of the topicsDovednosti:The students acquire the skills how to work with the literature, how to find proper text (papers, books, other sources) and how to work with these text. They are also skilled in developing methods of their practical (empirical) segment of their thesis. They develop their skills to work individually according to the plant (thesis assignment, thesis projects)Kompetence - komunikace:They are competent to communicate their thoughts in manner necessitated by nature of thesis. They are competent to communicate the ideas found in the literature they studied in written form both for general public and for the experts.Kompetence - úsudek:The student is competent to formulate the judgements backed by ideas existing in literature and being formulated in logical manner. They are competent to argue for theoretical concepts they use and for the methods they develop.


ZákladníThe literature for the activity is presented in thesis assignment individually.


It is obligatory to have bacelor thesis assignment according to FFWS CULS rules.


prof. Ing. Marek Turčáni, PhD.