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Předmět Large Farm Animal Husbandry in TS II. (camels, llamas, horses, donkeys, elephants) (IAI04E)

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The aim of this subject is to provide the actual information about domestic Equids (horses and donkeys) and Camelids (camels, llamas) husbandry in less developed countries of tropics and subtropics.


PřednáškaIntroduction to breeding of traditional species of animals in Africa, Asia and Latin AmericaDomestication of farm animalsBreeding of deer species and elandsIntroduction to breeding of camels and llamasTypes of dromedary and Bactrian camelsReproduction and breeding of camelsBreeding of Camelids of the New WordIntroduction, origin and domestication of EquidsMorphology and adaptive physiology of horses, donkeys and mulesReproduction and breeding of horses, donkeys and mulesBreeding facilies for large farm animals (LFA)Health and disease prevention in LFACvičeníInternational organisations focused on animal hubsandry & FAOSTATAnatomy and morphology of camelis and equidesCamelid species recognition and characteristicsUtilization of camels - examples and videosStudents' FAOSTAT data presentations (homework)Breeds of horsesUtilization of llamas - examples and videosCoat colours of horses and equipment for ridingVisit of a horse farmField trip - Prague zooField trip - Prague zooFinal test

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Students have a deep knowledge of history, present, breeding and management of camels, llamas, horses and donkeys in the world with particular emphasis on tropical and subtropical areas. They know the current situation and trends in breeding of these animals, the advantages and disadvantages of their breeding. They know the main types or breeds of camels, llamas, horses and donkeys, including their characteristics. Students know basic information about breeding of other less frequent animal species like elephants or antelopes.Dovednosti:Students are able to identify the species or breeds of camels, llamas, horses, donkeys and elephants. Student can provide standard care to the animals and utilize products from them. They are able to design and manage the farm rearing these animals. Students are able to find scientific literature focused on breeding of these animals and discuss or adopt new findings.Kompetence - komunikace:Students are able to work in the leadership or in the teamwork focuses on large farm animal breeding. They can formulate and present their own views and ideas in breeding technologies, specify the problems and suggest possible solutions. Student are able to explanation specialized requirement of each species to breed.Kompetence - úsudek:Students are able to rate the healthy status or performance of animals and evaluate the particular breedings of large farm animals. They are able to use their knowledge and form their opinion.


ZákladníCardellino AR, Mosconi C (eds.). 2005. Current Status of Genetic Resources, Recording and Production Systems in African, Asian and American Camelids. Rome. International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR), 166 pp.Draper J. 1999. The Ultimate book of the horse and rider. New York. Barnes & Noble, 512 pp.Study materials accessible via Learning Management System of CULS - Moodle. Available at moodle.czu.czDoporučenáBaker I, Kashio M (eds.). 2002. Giants on Our Hands Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Domesticated Asian Elephant. Bangkok [online]. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Available at http//www.fao.org/docrep/005/ad031e/ad031e00.htmFarah Z, Fischer A (eds.). 2004. Milk and Meat from the Camel Handbook on Products and Processing. Zurich. Verlag der Fachvereine Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zurich, 230 pp.Gillespie JR, Flanders FB. 2009. Modern Livestock and Poultry Production. New York. Delmar Cengage Learning, 1036 pp.Hoffman E (ed.). 2006. The Complete Alpaca Book. Santa Cruz. Bonny Doon Press, 620 pp.Merkt H, Rath D, Musa B, El-Naggar MA. 1990 Reproduction in camels. Rome. FAO. 54 pp.Payne WJA, Wilson RT. 1999. An Introduction to Animal Husbandry in the Tropics. Oxford. Blackwell Science, 815 pp.Tempelman K, Cardellino RA. 2007. PEOPLE AND ANIMALS. Traditional Livestock Keepers guardians of domestic animal diversity. Rome. FAO, 123 pp.Wilson RT. 1984. The Camel. Harlow. Longman Group Limited, 223 pp.




Ing. Tamara Fedorova, Ph.D.