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Předmět Small Farm Animal Husbandry in TS II. (sheep and goats; crossbreeding) (IAI17E)

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The goal of this subject is to provide the actual information about sheep and gaot husbandry in less developed countries of tropics and subtropics.


PřednáškaImportance of sheep and goat breeding, current situation and perspectives of breeding in the Tropical and Subtropical region and around the worldDomestication and the origin of sheep and goatReproduction of sheep and goat IReproduction of sheep and goat IIMeat performance of sheep and goatMilk performance of sheep and goatBreeding of sheep and goat IWool performance - Morphological construction of skin as depending to wool performance, histological and morphological composition of fibreTechnology in sheep and goat breeding, requirements of herds' microclimates, requirements of herds' constructionFarm economic of sheep and goat and factors affected economic level of farmsCvičeníCourse objective introductionMain sheep breedsMain goat breedsReproduction indices calculationField trip - Sheep farm - Hradec Milk analysesWool shearing and wool analyses and evaluationField trip - Sheep farm - Statek Kostelec Field trip - Goat farm - Skryje okres RakovníkSeminar work defense

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Students have a deep knowledge of history, present, breeding and management of sheep and goat in the world with particular emphasis on tropical and subtropical areas. They know the current situation and trends in breeding of these animals, the advantages and disadvantages of their breeding. They know the main types or breeds of sheep and goat, including their characteristics.Dovednosti:Students are able to identify the species or breeds of sheep and goat. Student can provide standard care to the animals and utilize products from them. They are able to design and manage the farm rearing these animals. Students are able to find scientific literature focused on breeding of these animals and discuss or adopt new findings.Kompetence - komunikace:Students are able to work in the leadership or in the teamwork focuses on sheep and goat breeding. They can formulate and present their own views and ideas in breeding technologies, specify the problems and suggest possible solutions. Student are able to explanation specialized requirement of each species to breed.Kompetence - úsudek:Students are able to rate the healthy status or performance of animals and evaluate the particular breedings of sheep and goat husbandry. They are able to use their knowledge and form their opinion.


ZákladníDevendra C, McLeroy GB.1982. Goat and sheep production in the tropics. UK, London, Longman Group, 1-271 PP.Gatenby RM. 1986. Sheep Production in the Tropics and Sub-tropics. UK, London, Longman Inc., 351 PP.Devendra C., Marca B. 1983. Goat production in the tropics. UK. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough, 183 PP.DoporučenáCarles AB.1983. Sheep Production in the Tropics. London, Oxford University Press, 213 PP.Epstein H. 1985. The Awassi Sheep with Special Reference to the Improved Dairy Type. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 282 PP.




prof. Dr. Ing. Mohamed Momany, Ph.D.