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Předmět Population Dynamics of Animals (IAI27E)

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The aim of the course is to provide students overview of topics in population biology and molecular ecology to know basic concepts of population management with all interrelated principles and relations. Aim of the practical lectures is to show students basic tools used in population biology, suitable for population management.


PřednáškaIntroduction to population dynamics Basics of microevolution (mutations, drift, drives) Polymorphism Species and speciation Phylogenetics Phylogeography Hybridization Inbreeding Small populations Population genetics IPopulation genetics IIEvolution of domestication CvičeníIntroduction to sequence data processingBarcoding and genebank Phylogenetic trees Introduction to microsatellite data processing Introduction to microsatellite data processingStudent's presentations Student's presentations General discussion Population genetic analyses Population genetic analyses Laboratory workLaboratory work

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Students know some of basic terms of population ecology and have theoretical knowledge about functions of populations. They understand to speciation processes and species concepts. They know types of population dynamics. Absolvents understand to evolutionary processes. Absolvents are able to use basic genetic methods and they understand to their principles. Absolvents have basic knowledge about phylogeography, they know how to evaluate history of populations and understand to phylogenetics and have ideas about population genetics. They know how to characterize population structure and know Hardy-Weinberg theory.Dovednosti:Absolvents can use their skills in management of populations, in resolving population biology questions and they are able to individual self-study for more deep information of population biology. They can take part in population biology research and apply their skills in protection of endangered populations in the wild.Kompetence - komunikace:Students can communicate with specialists and understand to general terms of population biology, they know how to connect different methodological scopes and share it with general public.Kompetence - úsudek:Based on obtained knowledge about population biology, absolvents have skills for making their own decisions about population strategies, structure and other parts of population biology.


ZákladníBeebee T, Rowe G. 2008. An introduction to Molecular Ecology, second edition. New York. Oxford University press, 400pp.DoporučenáFrankham R, Ballou JD, Briscoe DA. 2007. Introduction to conservation genetics. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, 617pp.Allendorf FW, Luikart G, Aitken M. 20013. Conservation and the Genetics of Populations. Blackwell Publishing, 602 pp.Study materials accesible via Learning Management System of CULS - Moodle. Available at moodle.czu.cz




Mgr. Barbora Černá Bolfíková, Ph.D.