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Předmět Game ranching (IAI29E)

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The aim of the matter is to present to students creation and operation of ranch, conditions and planning for professional wildlife management, technical aspects and monitoring on ranches. Special focus reclines upon selection of suitable game species, population structure, regulation of population, captures and impact of game to habitat. Another focus lies on economical aspects of ranch management and on social context in tropical and subtropical countries. Lectures are completed by concrete case studies from tropical and subtropical countries. Students will elaborate seminar project for creation of ranch in selected country.


PřednáškaHistory of game ranching, ethical considerations in the management of wildlife, establishment of ranch, objectives, social importance, species conservation, economic importance and husbandryTechnical installations- fences and enclosures, waterholes and water for game, creating routes and roadss, quarantines and bomas, feed troughs, observation points, slaughterhouses, housing facilities, etcAfrican elephant: Description, dynamics, Habitat and activity, behaviour, semi-intensive productionBlack and white rhinoceros: Description, dynamics, Habitat and activity, behaviour, intensive productionAfrican savanna buffalo: Description, dynamics, Habitat and activity, behaviour, intensive productionEland, greater kudu, roan and sable antelopes: Description, dynamics, Habitat and activity, behaviour, intensive productionSmall antelopes- nyala, impala, bushbuck and springbok: Description, dynamics, Habitat and activity, behaviour, intensive productionGiraffes: Description, dynamics, Habitat and activity, behaviour, intensive productionAfrican wild dog: Description, dynamics, Habitat and activity, behaviour, intensive productionHyenas: Description, dynamics, Habitat and activity, behaviour, intensive productionImpact of game to habitat: carrying capacity, biomass, game abundance control, fire, supplementary feeding, etcMixed husbandry: wild and farm animals, meat processing, biltong prepCvičeníHistory of ranches, social, economic and cultural aspectsEstablishment of ranchTechnical installations: quarantines and bomas, feed troughs, observation points, slaughterhouses, housing facilities It will be completed by short documentary films and slidesAssignment of semestral workCaptures: traps, capturing installations, immobilization, transport of game, veterinary aspectsGame species- tutorial links to lecture topicGame species- tutorial links to lecture topicImpact of game to habitatHarvest- it will be completed by short documentary films and slidesVisit of deer game estate and eland farmStudent's presentations and evaluation of semestral workStudent's presentations and evaluation of semestral work

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Graduates of the course should have general overview about origin, biology, ecology, behaviour, breeding and husbandry of indigenous large game species with special emphasis on South African region. The specific knowledge about husbandry and practical experiences will be accompanied by preparation of proposal of game ranch establishment on the base of local vegetation, climatic, topographical, zoological and political specifics to start commercial farming or ranching operations.Dovednosti:Graduates would be able to evaluate local condition in tropics and subtropics to propose the specific commercial project for game ranch establishment. The project will be based on financial, management and manpower plan; design of technological and technical constructions, plan for breeding and management of species population; processing and marketing of the production etc.Kompetence - komunikace:Students would be open to get and evaluate the information and evaluate them on the base of own knowledge, experience and innovative approaches. They would be able not only to work in team, but also in management with formulation and presentation the original concepts and solutions of problems and to be able to argue for successful implementation.Kompetence - úsudek:Graduates would have ability to draft the survey and evaluate the business possibilities of game ranching. They should know the source of relevant information from relevant sources of local legal and governmental authorities. Students would have experience to manage operation including human, financial and environmental sources in sustainable way and would be able to train/educate local employees.


ZákladníBothma JP. 1996. Game Ranch Management. Pretoria. Van Shaik Publishers, 639 pp.Bothma JP, Van Rooyen N. 2005. Intensive wildlife production in southern Africa. Pretoria. Van Shaik Publishers, 338 pp.Caugley G. 1994. Wildlife ecology and management. Cambridge. MA Blackwell Science Ltd., 344 pp.La Grange M. 2006. The capture, care and management of wildlife. Pretoria. Van Shaik Publishers, 314 pp.McKenzie AA. 1993. The capture and care manual Capture, care, accommodation and transportation of wild African animals. Pretoria. The SAVF, 729 pp.Riney T. 1982. Study and management of large mammals. New York. John Wiley and sons, 562 pp.




Ing. Radim Kotrba, Ph.D.