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Předmět Adaptations of Animals in Tropics (IAI35E)

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The aim of the course is to provide an overview of various types of anatomical, morphological, physiological and evolutionary adaptations and extend students' knowledge of the animal diversity, biology and behaviour.


PřednáškaIntroduction to evolution and its principlesDomestication of animalsSurvival tactics: prey defenceSenses and biorhythmsCommunication of animalsAdaptations to movement: the walking, swimming, crawling and flyingEnvironmental adaptations: the life in water and low oxygen areasAdaptations for foods and feedingEnvironmental adaptations: the heatEnvironmental adaptations: the coldReproduction: the overview, anatomy, physiology, biology, seasonality and matingCredit testCvičeníIntroduction to subject, requirements for obtaining the credit and examAdaptations for living in captivity - demonstration & examplesSurvival tactics: migrationsBiological rhythms of animalsCommunication of animals - voices of animalsAdaptations to movement: the walking, swimming, crawling and flying - demonstration & examplesEnvironmental adaptations: the life in water and low oxygen areas - demonstration & examplesAdaptations for foods and feedingEnvironmental adaptations: the heat - demonstration & examplesMicroscopic investigation of animal hair samplesStudents homework presentationsFinal evaluation

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Students have a wide knowledge about animal biodiversity, biology and behaviour and understand to anatomical, physiological and behavioural adaptations of animals and how these adaptations help them to survive in their environment.Dovednosti:Students are able to find scientific literature focused on adaptations of animals and describe or discuss these new findings in animal biology. They can interconnect findings from anatomy, physiology and behaviour of animals and express new ideas about animal adaptations and how it helps them to live in their environment.Kompetence - komunikace:Students are able to make a comprehensible explanation of biological principles of animal adaptations and to share relevant information with specialists and general public.Kompetence - úsudek:Students are able to conclude a function of existent adaptive characteristics or animal behaviour in their habitat and to deduce the selection process which formed them. They are able to form their opinion, use the knowledge of adaptive evolution principles and it enables them to project an appropriate hypothesis while searching for an explanation of the observed characteristics.


ZákladníAlcock J. 2009. Animal behavior an evolutionary approach. Sunderland. Sinauer Associates, 606 pp.Study materials accessible via Learning Management System of CULS - Moodle. Available at moodle.czu.czDoporučenáFeldhammer G, Drickammer LC, Vessey SH, Merritt JF. 2007. Mammalogy Adaptation, Diversity, Ecology. Baltimore. Johns Hopkins University Press, 672 pp.Rogers LJ, Kaplan G. 2000. Songs, roars, and rituals communication in birds, mammals, and other animals. Cambridge. Harvard University Press, 207 pp.Schmidt-Nielsen K. 1997. Animal Physiology Adaptation and Environment. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, 607 pp.Willmer P, Stone G, Johnston I. 2009. Environmental Physiology of Animals. Oxford. Blackwell Publishing, 768 pp.Zeder MA. 2012. Pathways to Animal Domestication. In Gepts P, Famula TR, Bettinger RL et al. (eds.). Biodiversity in Agriculture Domestication, Evolution, and Sustainability. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, pp 227-259.




Ing. Tamara Fedorova, Ph.D.