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Předmět Game Utilisation in TS (IAI36E)

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The aim of the matter is to present to students creation of ranch, conditions and planning for professional wildlife management, technical aspects and monitoring on ranches. Special focus reclines upon selection of suitable game species, population structure, regulation of abundance, captures and impact of game to habitat. Another focus lies on economical aspects of ranch management and on social context in tropical and subtropical countries. Lectures are completed by concrete case studies from tropical and subtropical countries. Students will elaborate seminar project for creation of ranch in selected country.


PřednáškaIntroduction, the continuity of the subject, study literature, skulls and trophy scoring, professional experiencesExistence of exotic animals in Mongolia and its role in diseases controlThe processing of hides and skins, import to the CR form Africa and AsiaPoaching in Africa and AsiaNational parks of Africa, Asia and Latin AmericaMeat food processing - legislation, hygiene package, certification, HACCP, etcDermoplastic preparation of trophy game in Šakvice Diagnosis of selected infectious disease agents and their vectors (vector- and water-borne diseases) Sampling and determination of infectious agents from wild animals Credit - presentation of projectCvičeníRating of trophiesInvolvement of wild gazelle in FMD transmission in MongoliaVideo focused on dermoplastic preparationWeapons and ammunition, examplesEcotourism and fotosafari - recognition of gameFood-borne diseasesDermoplastic preparation of trophy gameVector-borne and water-borne diseases IIParasitology, microbiology, molecular biology, PCRCredit - written test

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Graduates get basic knowledge about the origin, biology, possibilities and the manner of utilization of wild animals, especially about utilization of game animals in tropics and subtropics mainly in conditions of Africa and Asia. They will be apprised with the view of the historical development, legislative, organization of hunting and the manner of hunting in tropical and subtropical countries. They will also get information about particularity of coexistence in the way of animal breeding (game farming and ranching), from the view of diseases prevention and danger of zoonoses expansion. Finally, they will get a basic conception about processing of venison, preparation of trophy and leather, game animal products marketing, about management of sports fishing, realization of photo safari and another utilization of wild animals.Dovednosti:Graduates are able to asses a potential threat of wild animal population (illegal hunting, the spread of infectious agents) and to propose steps leading to the protection of animal species with regard to local specifics. They are able to participate on hunt management arrangements in cooperation with profesional hunters. Within the monitoring, they provide sampling and tissue collection to evaluate the health of animal populations and eventual possibilities of spreading of infectious agents with the zoonotic potential (transmission of the infection from animal). Graduate is prepared to work as a ranger in National parks, private reservations (photo safari) or as an assistent of a hunting guide in African and Asian countries.Kompetence - komunikace:Students can evaluate established approaches and suggest the innovation of the procedure concerning welfare conditions, zoohygiene and disease prevention of wildlife animals in tropics and subtropics. They are intended to work under the special leadership as well as in the team. They are able to propose and to present an individual approach to the problem solution (in national parks, reservations, private hunting ranches).Kompetence - úsudek:Graduate is able to conduct a study intended for the specific region, to search appropriate information (on the basis of scientific and professional literature), to communicate with the local organization and to participate in game management and in preventative health measures cooperating with specialists and according to the relevant legislation.


ZákladníStudy materials accessible via Learning Management System of CULS - Moodle. Available at moodle.czu.czBothma JP. 2002. Game ranch management. Pretoria. JL van Schaik, 709 pp.Schaller GB. 1998. Wildlife of the Tibetan Steppe. Univ. of Chicago, 373pp.Kouba V.2013. Clinical Propedeutic for Investigation of Large Farm Animals. CULS Prague FTAS, 61 pp.DoporučenáNova J. Silvy. 2012.The Wildlife Techniques Manual Volume 1 Research. Volume 2 Management 2-vol. set The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1136 pp.James Ryan. 2011. Mammalogy Techniques Manual. lulu.com., 282 pp.O`Malley B. 2005. Clinical Anantomy and Physiology of Exotic Species. Elsevier - Harcourt, 320 pp.Williams ES. Barker IK. 2000. Infectious Diseases of Wild Mammals. Wiley-Blackwell, 558 pp.Knight M, Dennis N. 1997. The Kalahari Survival in a Thirstland Wilderness. New Holland Publisher UK,168 pp.Fowler ME, Miller RE. 2003 Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine. Elsevier - Harcourt, 992 pp.Mills G, Hes L. 1997. The Complete Book of Southern African Mammals. New Holland Publishers (UK), 356 pp.,Mill G, Harvey M. 2002. African Predators. New Holland Publishers (UK),160 pp.Stockham SL, Scott M. 2002 Fundamentals of Veterinary Clinical Pathology. Blackwell, 640 pp.




prof. MVDr. Daniela Lukešová, CSc.