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Předmět Resource Ecology: soil - plant - animal interactions (IAI41E)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

Materiál Typ Datum Počet stažení

Další informace


PřednáškaIntroduction to resource ecology with focus on pastures and rangelands Soil : development and structure Nutrient cycles in terrestrial ecosystems: nitrogen and phosphorus story Nutrient cycles in terrestrial ecosystems: nitrogen and phosphorus story Soil-plant interactions, mycorrhiza Grass - tree interactions Functional plant traits: C-S-R strategy scheme by Grime and L-H-S concept by Westoby Plant - animal interactions: Herbivory as driving force in grasslands Optimal foraging theory - marginal value theorem, trade-off in food quality and quantity, foraging in the heterogeneous environment Concept of food preference vs diet selection, selectivity indices Grazing systems, livestock and wildlife co-grazing, resource partitioning Nature resources and man: social and cultural issues of pastures and livestock grazing CvičeníExcursion for Resource ecology to Liberec Grassland Station of Crop Research Institute Vegetation phytocenological sampling and determination of biomass production Soil sampling (by standard probe, by Kopecký cylinder, calculation of nutrients) "Soil" movie "Plant-animal" movieCalculation of diet selection indices Students' presentations of seminar works (critical analyses of published studies)Students' presentations of seminar works (critical analyses of published studies)

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Students have knowledge about ecological principles and exploitation of various types of resources. They know various grass-trees interactions, plant - animal interactions and nutrient cycling in the ecosystem. They have basis of herbivore's behavioural strategies and their spatio-temporal dynamics.Dovednosti:Graduates will be able to determine the resource availability and exploitation by herbivores. They can manage the pastures and rangelands.Kompetence - komunikace:Students are able to explain the importance of ecological principles in other fields of human action and to communicate with specialists and general public.Kompetence - úsudek:Students have the ability to judge the level of the food resource availability in the environment. They can provide a valuable opinion and critical analyses of published studies.


ZákladníPrins HHT, van Langevelde F. 2006. Resource Ecology - Spatial and temporal dynamics of foraging. Wageningen UR Frontis Series, Vol 23. NetherlandsDoporučenáElgersma A. 1999. Grassland and Forage Science. Wageningen UniversityHumphreys, L.R. 1991. Tropical Pasture Utilization. Cambridge University PressActual papers from relevant journals Rangeland Ecology and Management, Tropical Savanna, Tropical Ecology, Journal of Arid Environment, Journal of Tropical Ecology, African Journal of Range and Forage Science, Austral Ecology, etc.




doc. RNDr. Pavla Hejcmanová, Ph.D.