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Předmět Tropical Phytocoenoses (ICI04E)

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The objective of the subject is to give students a basic knowledge of tropical and subtropical ecosystems and their types of vegetation. It presents their distribution and ecological relationships within phytocoenoses. Furthermore it gives a current overview of the use of studied phytocoenoses, human activity impacts and basic principles of their sustainable use.


PřednáškaTropical environment and biogeographical regionsArid ecosystems and environmental factorsMediterranean vegetationSavanna ecosystemsTropical forests and biodiversityRivers, floodplains and estuariesMangrovesIsland ecosystemsTropical alpine vegetationEthnoecologyExcursion to botanical gardenMiniconference: topic review presentationsCvičeníCourse orientation and assignmentsHow to read and draw climate diagram?Review title and annotated bibliography dueClass debate on assigned reading: How the climate change affects tropical ecosystems' vegetation?Outline of topic review dueArticle critiqueClass debate on assigned reading: Selected methods in vegetation ecology studiesMidterm knowledge testExamples of notable plant species across environmentsClass debate on assigned reading: Plant-animal interactions within tropical phytocoenosesGuest speaker: Discussion on selected region floraClass debate on assigned reading: Indigenous populations and tropical forest useExcursion to botanical gardenMiniconference: topic review presentations

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Graduates of the course are familiar with all major types of vegetation within ecosystems in tropical and subtropical areas. They know geographic distribution in the world vegetation communities, their functioning and the fundamental ecological relationships in plant communities. They have knowledge about the impact of human activities on the functioning of studied phytocoenoses and the fundamental principles of their sustainable use.Dovednosti:The graduates know how to use the acquired expertise to characterize and distinguish major phytocoenoses in the tropics and subtropics. They know their dominant and diagnostic species. They know the methodological approaches applied in vegetation ecology research. Through use of diversity indices, they are able to characterize species diversity and to evaluate collected data for conservation management.Kompetence - komunikace:The graduate is able to work under the leadership and also as a member of the team. He is able to connect the theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field. He is able to communicate in English, using technical terminology of the subject. He is prepared to formulate and present their own views, clearly communicate information, ideas, specify the problems and possible solutions.Kompetence - úsudek:The graduate is able to work creatively with active approach. He knows how to find and use relevant information sources (literature, taxonomic databases). During the formation of discretion he uses own experience and experiences of other professionals. He is ready to organize and effectively control the work of his subordinates. He is fully accountable for his decisions and activities of the working team he manage.


ZákladníArchibold OW. 1995. Ecology of world vegetation. London, UK. Chapman & Hall, 528 pp.DoporučenáOsborne PL. 2005. Tropical ecosystems and ecological concepts. Cambridge, UK. Cambridge University Press, 464 pp.Golley F, Medina E. (eds.) 1975. Tropical ecological systems Trends in terrestrial and aquatic research. New York. Springer-Verlag, 398 pp.Mueller-Dombois D, Ellenberg H. 2002. Aims and methods in vegetation ecology. Caldwell, NJ, USA. The Blackburn Press, 547 pp.Lüttge U. 1997. Physiological Ecology of Tropical Plants. Berlin Heidelberg. Springer-Verlag, 385 pp.




doc. Ing. Zbyněk Polesný, Ph.D.