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Předmět Fruit Production and Viticulture (ICI25E)

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Další informace


Cílem předmětu je seznámit posluchače specializace rostlinná výroba studijního oboru tropické a subtropické zemědělství se specifickým sortimentem ovoce a vinné révy pěstovaným v tropech a subtropech, včetně technologie pěstování, šlechtění, významu a tradičního i potencionálního využití jednotlivých druhů.


PřednáškaIntroduction to the subjectFruit growing as a branch of the agriculture productionPrinciples of cultivation, types of propagationTree nurseriesViticultureBotany, use, principles of cultivation and harvest of Actinidia chinensis, Ananas comosus, Anacardium occidentale etcBotany, use, principles of cultivation and harvest of Carica papaya, Carya illinoensis, citruses etcBotany, use, principles of cultivation and harvest of Diospiros kaki, Eriobotria japonica, Ficus carica etcBotany, use, principles of cultivation and harvest of Mangifera indica, bananas and plantains (Musa spBotany, use, principles of cultivation and harvest of Passiflora spBotany, use, principles of cultivation and harvest of Averrhoa carabola, Durio zibethinus, etcBotany, use, principles of cultivation and harvest of species from Solanaceae familyCvičeníPractical demonstration of fruit species and vine in trial and collection fieldsPractical demonstration of fruit species and vine in greenhouse collectionsManners of fruit species vegetative propagation (cutting)Manners of fruit species vegetative propagation (grafting)Manners of fruit species vegetative propagation (budding)Manners of fruit species generative propagation (stratification, scarification, sowing)Slide and video presentation - citrusesSlide and video presentation - less known subtropical speciesSlide and video presentation - less known tropical speciesAssortment of tropical and subtropical fruit species (practical demonstration) + testingFinal project presentation and discussionPass-eligible - written test, leave recognition of tropical and sutropical fruti species

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Students have fundamental knowledge of general botany and systematic botany, crop production and organic chemistry, plant physiology, genetics. They know characterize single taxonomic units and can define mutual relationships. They know basic chemical and physiological processes characteristic for plants. They have the synopsis of importance of significant plant species (their origin, distribution, propagation types, nutritive value of fruits, importance for people and animals, uses, information about recent investigation and research, usage of scientific databases and libraries etc.).Dovednosti:Students are capable to recognize leaves and fruits of about 40 plant species, their classification to the specific groups, they know basic key characteristics of important plant species with emphasis on the tropical ones. Students should recognize the basic gravepine varieties and must understand the basic cultivation and pruninng techniques. They have to understand the terms like scarification, stratification and their practical demonstration and use. Practical experiences with different types of generative and vegetative propagation e. g. different types of cuttings, layering, budding and grafting are taught and demonstrated as well.Kompetence - komunikace:Student is able to work under direction or co-operate in working group. Student can present and formulate own opinions and proposals, understandable explain and tell information and ideas, concretize problems and suggest possible solutions.Kompetence - úsudek:Student is strongly motivated to work and study, with creative and initiative attitude to work. His opinions are based on relevant information (scientific literature, own experiences, experts experiences), has responsibility for evaluation and improvement of job skills. Student may lead the group of people.


ZákladníMORTON J., F. 1987. Fruits of warm climates. Creative Resource Systems, Inc.Box 890, Winterville, N.C. 28590 Media, Florida, USA. 450pp.VERHEIJ E.W.M., CORONEL (Eds.) 1991. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No 2. Edible fruits and Nuts. Pudoc/Prosea, Wageningen, the Netherlands. 446 pp.DoporučenáSAUCO V.G. 1989. Los Frutales Tropicales en los Subtropicos I. And II. Mundi-Prensa, Madrid.NAKASONE H.Y., Paul R.E. 1998. Tropical fruits. CAB International. 445 pp.




Ing. Petra Hlásná Čepková, Ph.D.