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Předmět Tropical Horticulture and Floriculture (ICI26E)

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Další informace


Cílem předmětu je seznámit studenty se základy sadovnické tvorby a květinářství, podat přehled o nejdůležitějších okrasných druzích rostlin, včetně technologie pěstování, významu a využití jednotlivých druhů. Předmět je zaměřen primárně na specifika zahradnictví v tropických oblastech.


PřednáškaIntroduction to horticulture and floricultureHistory of garden design: gardens of Antiquity, Middle Ages and Modern EraFunction of garden environmentAesthetics of garden environment: colours, shapes, harmony and contrast, scale, illusionGarden design proposal: basics of graphic creationPerennials and ornamental woody plants: basic assortment, cultivation technologies, useAnnuals plants: basic assortment, cultivation technologies, useCut flowers: basic assortment, cultivation technologies, usePot plants with ornamental leaves: basic assortment, cultivation technologies, usePot plants with ornamental flowers: basic assortment, cultivation technologies, useProblematic of horticulture in tropical areasProblematic of horticulture in tropical areasCvičeníPresentation of study literatureExcursion (parks and gardens of historical importance)Practice of graphic design skills: abstract division of the spacePractice of graphic design skills: landscape graphic symbolsElaboration of garden project proposalElaboration of garden project proposalOrnamental plants (practical demonstration in greenhouse)Presentations of student projects (assortment of ornamental plants)Presentations of student projects (assortment of ornamental plants)Presentations of student projects (assortment of ornamental plants)Excursion (commercial greenhouse)Recognition test: ornamental plants

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Students acquire the basic knowledge in the field of tropical horticulture and floriculture. They know the history of garden architecture and aesthetics of garden environment. They understand the complex functionality of the gardens, know the basics of graphic creation used in the garden design. Students are familiar with the basic assortment of ornamental plants originated in tropical areas. They know recent trends in area of tropical garden design and floriculture.Dovednosti:Students are able to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge and their graphical skills to design a garden proposal. Students recognize the basic assortment of tropical ornamental plants, and they are able to use the plants according to their cultivation requirements and aesthetic potential for either interior or exterior arrangements.Kompetence - komunikace:Students are able to communicate in English using the technical terminology of given subject. They know how to formulate and present their own opinions and problem solutions in a comprehensible way. They are able to defend their own proposals. Students express their opinion about the work of other students and propose other potential solutions. Thus, they develop their interpersonal communication skills.Kompetence - úsudek:Students are able to evaluate the aesthetics of the gardens. They know how to evaluate the convenience of taxons used in the garden according to their cultivation requirements. Their approach to work is creative and initiative. Opinions of students are based on relevant information (experience, theoretical background provided on lectures, study literature, etc.). Students are able to assess their own effort as well as the efforts of the others.


ZákladníAlexander R. 2009. The Essential Garden Design Workbook. Portland. Timber Press, 304 pp.Williams R. 1990. The Garden Planner. London. Frances Lincoln, 168.DoporučenáAdams C.R., Bamford K.M., Early M.P. 2008. Principles of Horticulture. Oxford. Butterworth-Heinemann, 413 pp.Armitage A.M., Laushman J.M. 2003. Specialty Cut Flowers. Portland. Timber Press, 586 pp.Larson R.A. 1992. Floriculture. California, Academic Press, Inc. 636 pp.Reiley H.E., Shry C.L. 2004. Introductory Horticulture. Albany, NY. Delmar Thomson Learning, 572 pp.Wijaya M. 2007. Modern Tropical Garden Design. London. Thames & Hudson, 207 pp.Wijaya M. 2003. Tropical Garden Design. London. Thames & Hudson, 208 pp.




Ing. Iva Viehmannová, Ph.D.