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Předmět Management of Energy Resources in the Tropics and Subtropics (IUI24E)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu IUI24E - Management of Energy Resources in the Tropics and Subtropics, Fakulta tropického zemědělství, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze (ČZU).

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CÍLE PŘEDMĚTU: Obeznámit studenti se základními znalostmi světových energetických zdrojů obnovitelných a neobnovitelných, a jeho příbuzná odvětví, hlavně v zemědělství, je kladen hlavní důraz na environmentálním a udržitelném rozvoji. POPIS PŘEDMĚTU: předmět byl vytvořen z důvodů nedostatků základních znalostí ohledně světových energetických zdrojů a příbuzná odvětví. Znalosti studentů budou aktualizované v oblasti světových energetických zdrojů obnovitelných a neobnovitelných v zemědělství a výrobě potravin.


PřednáškaIntroductory lesson - energy in developing worldWorld energy resourcesEnergy and civilizationEnergy and environmental pollutionEnergy and agriculture - overview of possible technologies applicable in rural areas of developing countriesBiomass - definition, sources and types, possibilities of cultivation and processingBiogas production - anaerobic digestion, feedstock, types of reactorsBiogas production in China and IndiaLiquid biofuels based on biomass - biodiesel production, bio-ethanol productionSolid biofuels based on biomass - briquetting and pelletingThermal conversion of biomass - combustion, pyrolysis, gasificationEnvironmental aspects of biofuels utilizationCvičeníDelimitation of teoretical base and course applicationGeographical and technological description of energetic world raw materialsSelection of term paper topicExamples of environmental pollution in developing countriesBiomass for energy purposes - SWOT analysisExamples of implementation of energy technologies in rural areas of developing countriesSustainability of energy consumption in rural areas of developing countriesPresentation of students' term paper and discussionPresentation of students' term paper and discussionPresentation of students' term paper and discussionField trip to Biogas Station in KneziceField trip to composting factory Jena UholickyField trip to Biogas Station in KneziceField trip to composting factory Jena Uholicky

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Professional Knowledge Graduates have theoretical knowledge in the area of energy resources - renewable, alternative as well as non-renewable. The special focus is dedicated to rural areas of developing countries and their needs. Graduates understand the basic terms in the area of the utilization of energy resources. Graduates have an overview of currently used technologies in developing countries including main advantages and disadvantages of implementation of such technologies. Graduates know principles, inputs, procceses and outputs of used technologies. Knowledge are being extended and specified in other technical subjects within the study programme. Absolvents have clear awarness of the limits of their knowledge and an idea about further study in these areas.Dovednosti:Professional Skills Graduates are capable of applying of their knowledge in practical applications of approprietness of the utilization of an energy source under conditions of tropics. They are able to assess necessary input feedstock, technical and financial demands of the technology and potential environmnental and social constrains of implementation such technology in rural areas. Graduates are able to calculate technological carbon foot print with the use of web tools. Graduates are able to apply their specialized knowledge from the application of exact methods and compile knowledge from related areas in the process of solution of new problems. Graduates are able to solve problems independently and effectively within the implementation of development projects in less developed countries.Kompetence - komunikace:Competences - Judgment Graduates are able to judge the approprietness of used technologies from both the environmental as well as economical point of view. Graduates are aware of limits of their competencies in the area. Graduates are familiar with the necessity of competency transfer to the specialists from the relevant area.Kompetence - úsudek:Competences - CommunicationGraduates can develop effective partnerships with qualified specialists. Graduates are able to disseminate information effectively.


ZákladníEdenhofer O, Pichs-Madruga R, Sokona Y. 2011. Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press. 1084 pp.DoporučenáCook M. 2009. Biogas Vol 3 A Chinese Biogas Manual. Knowledge Publications. 144 pp.Buren A. 1998. A Chinese Biogas Manual Popularising Technology in the Countryside. Practical Action.136 pp.




Ing. Tatiana Ivanova, Ph.D.