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Předmět Organic Waste Management (IUI62E)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu IUI62E - Organic Waste Management, Fakulta tropického zemědělství, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze (ČZU).

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Další informace


Cílem předmětu je seznámit studenty s problematikou vzniku a možnostmi využití biodegradabilních odpadů v tropických a subtropických oblastech. Předmět je zaměřen na dvě základní metody zpracování a využití organických odpadů v zemědělství, kterým jsou kompostování a anaerobní digesce. V obou případech budou studenti seznámeni s technologiemi, které jsou vhodné pro cílové oblasti tropů a subtropů s ohledem na jejich technologickou a ekonomickou náročnost. Ve cvičeních se studenti seznámí s postupy pro stanovení optimálních surovinových skladeb a hodnocení kvality výsledného produktu. Součástí cvičení budou i exkurze do kompostáren.


PřednáškaIntroduction to the course, specifications of organic and farm wastesForms of farm wastes and their proportion on total waste production Basic methods of farm waste processing with a view on tropical and subtropical regions Composting - definition and operational parameters Windrow and in vessel composting methods Methods of composting utilized in the tropics and subtropics (Bangalore method, Boma composting, etcEvaluation of compost quality and possibilities of compost utilization in the tropics Anaerobic digestion - definition and operational parameters Methods of anaerobic digestion Biogas, its use and types of digesters (Chinese fixed dome digester, Indian floating cover biogas digester etcCvičeníProperties of various farm wastes and/or organic by-products Estimating the right compost mixture Estimating the right feedstock composition for anaerobic digestion Compost monitoring methods Estimation of compost maturity - Laboratory workEstimation of compost maturity - Laboratory workStudents home-work presentations Students home-work presentations Visiting windrow composting facility Visiting windrow composting facilityVisiting windrow composting facilityVisiting windrow composting facility

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Graduates of the course have a profound theoretical knowledge in the processing of organic waste and residual biomass in the tropics. Their knowledge relating principally to the composting and anaerobic digestion.Dovednosti:s Graduates know how to use the acquired expertise in research and development, are able to create new procedures related to processing of biodegradable waste. They are able to work independently on projects aimed at this issue with the use of innovative approaches and the latest scientific knowledge. They can calculate optimal feedstock mixture for compost and biogas production. They are able to design compost and biogas production chain including monitoring of all operational parameters such as temperature, moisture content, respiration index, maturity and stability of compost. They also know the appropriate laboratory procedures to estimate above mentioned parameters. Graduates are able to understand the specific conditions in tropical areas or developing countries. Competences - Judgment The graduates are able to access their work creatively and conscientiously. They are able to use information technologies and resources such as (technical literature, documents, databases, web sites, etc.) and they use their own experiences and experiences of experts when forming judgments. They have the ability to manage and transform the working environment. They can search for new strategic approaches. * Competences - Communication Can formulate and present their own views, they can clearly interpret information, ideas, specify the problems and possible solutions. They can manage projects including planning, implementation and feedback. In communication they are able to use the technical terminology of this study field. Kompetence - komunikace:žádná


ZákladníEpstein E. 1997. The Science of Composting. Pennsylvania. Technomic Publishing Company, 485 pp.Khoiyangbam R S, Gupta N, Kumar S. 2011. Biogas Technology towards sustainable development. New Delhi. TERI Press, 200 pp.Misra RV, Roy R N, Hiraoka H. 2003. On Farm Composting Methods. Rome . FAO buletin, 35 pp.Rynk R. 1992. On-Farm Composting Handbook. New York. Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service (NRAES), 186 pp.DoporučenáHaug R T. 1993. The Practical Handbook of Compost Engineering. USA. Lewis Publishers Inc.,717 pp.




doc. Ing. Jan Banout, Ph.D.