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Předmět Scientific Seminar (IUI63Z)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu IUI63Z - Scientific Seminar, Fakulta tropického zemědělství, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze (ČZU).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

Materiál Typ Datum Počet stažení

Další informace


PřednáškaCvičeníInformation search, databases, Web of Science, keywordsHow to write an abstract?How to write right (thesis)?Methods of data collectionPrinciples of data cleaning, basic methods of data processingStatistical software STATISTICA version 10Statistical software STATISTICA version 10Presentation of progress of students' master thesisPresentation of progress of students' master thesisPresentation of progress of students' master thesisPrinciples of correct presentation, discussion over common mistakes in research design, methodology, research result presentationConsultation seminar on actual difficulties of the students with their master thesis

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Professional KnowledgeGraduates have theoretical knowledge in the area of research design and all parts of scientific paper. In addition, graduates know principles of master thesis writing and are able to use scientific language and relevant terminology. Graduates have basic knowledge of data collection and data processing including utilization of statistical software STATISTICA version 10. Graduates have solid knowledge about presentation of research results. Graduates have clear awareness of the limits of their knowledge and an idea about further study in these areas.Dovednosti:Professional SkillsGraduates are capable of applying of their knowledge in practical applications - conducting their research and writing master thesis. Absolvents are able to evaluate presentation of research results of their colleagues.Kompetence - komunikace:Competence - JudgmentGraduates are aware of limits of their competencies in the area. Graduates are familiar with the necessity of competency transfer to the specialists from the relevant area.Kompetence - úsudek:Competences - CommunicationGraduates can develop effective partnerships with qualified specialists. Graduates are able to disseminate information effectively.


ZákladníKumar R. 2010. Research Methodology A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners. SAGE Publications Ltd. 440 pp.DoporučenáCreswell JW. 2008. Research Design Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. SAGE Publications, Inc. 296 pp.Wallwork A. 2011. English for Writing Research Papers. Springer. 325 pp.




Ing. Jana Mazancová, Ph.D.