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Předmět Landscape Character Assessment and Protection (DZBX15Y)

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Landscape character is an expression of the interrelationships between natural and socio-economic settings and the cultural-historical merit of a specific landscape. In order to preserve the landscape, it is necessary to have a description and an evaluation of the attributes and qualities that form the character of that landscape. Then we need to describe and assess the impacts of submitted actions on those elements and values, e.g., impacts on the landscape charakter, or to make an evalutation of the landscape charakter of a particular area in order to specify landscape character preservation mesasures. When interpreting Act no. 117/1992 and the reading of § 12 of the Act, it si necessary to evaluate landscape character in such a way that the conclusion can serve as grounds for one of the two possible forms of landscape character protection - preventive landscape character protection or case specific landscape charakter protection.


PřednáškaLandscape- the subject of lanscape planningLandscape character definition, conceptsThe evaluation of lanscape-general principlesThe evaluation of lanscape-ecological characteristicsThe evaluation of lanscape-landscape characteristicsThe evaluation of lanscape-landscape patternThe evaluation of lanscape-landscape structureThe evaluation of lanscape-ecotonesMethodology for evaluation of the impact on landscape characterMethodology for evaluation of the impact on landscape characterPreventive assessment of lanscape characterCausal assessment of lanscape characterLandcape character conservationCvičení

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Students of doctoral study programmes have deep theoretical and practical knowledge of landscape character assessment. Their knowledge includes the latest findings in the area of land management and landscape planning, and serves as a basis for original thought processes necessary for conduction research. They have knowledge of relevant landscape measures and criteria for their assessment. They are aware of the fact, that they have to work with up-to-date notes, which were checked in practice.Dovednosti:Students of doctoral study programmes can apply their knowledge for evaluating land in a creative manner. They can implement landscape measures in an independent way and with the necessary expertise of lanscape character assessment. They can incorporate acquired knowledge in the design of project and their realisation. Their skills are relevant mainly for research and for state administration. They know the legislative and economical aspects of landscape character assessment and protection.Kompetence - komunikace:Students of doctoral study programmes are able to work as a part of a team. He knows the basic concepts of teamwork. He can formulate and defend his own opinions and change them according to new information. He is able to communicate in scientific and applied community.Kompetence - úsudek:Students of doctoral study programmes able to work creatively with in the subject and put new findings into the context of his personal knowledge and experience. Students are able to assess the feasibility of basic conservational measures, define the key problems and identify the weak points in applied landcsape character assessment and protection.


ZákladníJazyk výuky: AngličtinaSWANWICK, C.: Landcape Charakter Assessment: Guidance for England and Scotland, Countryside Agency/Scottish Natural HeritagePETTS, J. (ed.) (1999): Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment, Blackwell ScienceDoporučenáJazyk výuky: AngličtinaVOREL, I., BUKÁČEK, R., MATĚJKA, P., CULEK, M., SKLENIČKA, P. (2006): A method for assessing the visual impact on landscape character of proposed construction, activities or changeTHE LANDSCAPE INSTITUTE (2002): Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, Spon Press, ISBN 0-415-23185-X


prof. Ing. Petr Sklenička, CSc.