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Předmět Land Management and Landscape Planning (DZBX16Y)

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Aim is to give to students basic theoretical and practical knowledge on land management and landscape planning in the Czech Republic (as well as in other countries) to teach them skills to synthesize many problems in one planning document. After absolving this course students are able to view on individual aspects of relevant disciplines in wider context. The course emphasizes transdisciplinary character of research and practical activities in the fields of land management and landscape planning. Together with specific approaches the generally principals of landscape evaluation and planning (e.g. typology, scalling, landscape units, basis,...) are considered.


PřednáškaLandscape- the subject of lanscape planningBasis for landscape planning and for exploratory workSurvey activities for land consolidationThe forms of the landscape planning in the Czech RepublicHistory of the landscape managment in the Czech Republic and other countriesThe landscape managment in the other European countriesInterpretation and presentation of the old mapsImplementation landscape and ecological principles in landscape planning Landscape patternClassification and conservation natural value of landscapeClassification and conservation cultural and historical values of landscapeClassification and conservation aesthetical value of landscapeThe mutual relations of Land Consolidation Programmeand other forms of landscape planning in the Czech RepublicCvičení

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Students of doctoral study programmes have deep theoretical and practical knowledge of landscape management issues as well as related processes in the landscape. Their knowledge includes the latest findings in the area of land management and landscape planning, and serves as a basis for original thought processes necessary for conduction research. They have knowledge of relevant landscape measures and criteria for their assessment.Dovednosti:Students of doctoral study programmes can apply their knowledge for evaluating land in a creative manner. They can implement landscape measures in an independent way and with the necessary expertise. They can incorporate acquired knowledge in the design of project and their realisation. Their skills are relevant mainly for research and for state administration.Kompetence - komunikace:Students of doctoral study programmes are competent to lead research and professional teams and supervise their activities. They can formulate and present their own views and can share information properly. They can find tangible solutions to research problems. This communication is particularly apparent in preparation of project proposals and scientific publications.Kompetence - úsudek:Students of doctoral study programmes are competent to evaluate scientific projects and propose new solutions. They are competent to work creatively and with initiative. They are competent to manage complex professional activities, or projects, and are fully accountable for their professional implementation.


ZákladníJazyk výuky: AngličtinaSklenička, P., Pixová, K. (Eds.). 2003. Landscape Planning in the Czech Republic. Czech Univ. of Agric., Prague. Pp. 65.Vorel, I., Bukáček, R., Matějka, P., Culek, M., Sklenička, P. 2006. A method for assessing the visual impact on landscape character of proposed construction, activities or changesDoporučenáJazyk výuky: AngličtinaDriessen, P.M., Konijn, N.T. 1992. Land-use Systems Analysis. Wageningen Agric. Univ., Wageningen.Tress, B., Tress, G., Fry, G., Opdam, P. (eds.) 2005. From landscape research to landscape planning: Aspects of integration, education and application. Springer. Amsterdam.Forman, R.T.T., Godron, M. 1986. Landscape Ecology. J. Wiley and Sons, New York.Zonneveld, I.S. 1979. Land Evaluation and Land (scape) Science. International Training Center, Enschede, The Netherlands.Individual papers published in following journals: Landscape and Urban Planning, Land Use Policy, Landscape Ecology.


prof. Ing. Petr Sklenička, CSc.