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Předmět Principles of Conservation Biology (DZEX15Y)

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Conservation biology is the new scientific field that seeks to study and protect biological diversity. The course provides the essentials of conservation biology, describes biological diversity, its value and threats, conservation at population, species and ecosystem levels, management of protected areas and their surroundings, restoration of damaged ecosystems and endangered populations, sustainable development and the integration of nature conservation into juridical, economic and social relationships.


PřednáškaIntroduction to conservation biology, biological diversity - threts and conservationConservation at the population, ecosystem and the landscape levelConservation and management of endangered plant and animal speciesProtected areas - planning, conservation, managementManagement and conservation of protected ecosystemsConservation at the European scale, NATURA 2000Conservation at the globale scale, international conventions and institutions in nature conservationEconomy and social aspectof conservation, conservation policy, education and conservationCvičení

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Students have a basic knowledge in biological principals of nature conservation; they are familiar with threats of biological diversity. They are also familiar with laws of priorities setting in nature conservation. They have also knowledge in nature conservation - on species and biotope level including biological, practical, legislative, social and economical relationships. They are aware of the fact, that they have to work with up-to-date notes, which were checked in practice.Dovednosti:Students can orientate in threats of biological diversity. They can formulate conservational priorities. They know means of practical management actions of conservational measures and they are able to use the measures in particular type of biotope or taxonomical group. They know the legislative and economical aspects of nature conservation.Kompetence - komunikace:Student is able to work as a part of a team. He knows the basic concepts of teamwork. He can formulate and defend his own opinions and change them according to new information. He is able to communicate in scientific and applied community.Kompetence - úsudek:Student is able to work creatively with in the subject and put new findings into the context of his personal knowledge and experience. Students are able to assess the feasibility of basic conservational measures, define the key problems and identify the weak points in applied nature conservation.


ZákladníJazyk výuky: AngličtinaGROOM M. J., MEFFE G. K. & CARROLL C. R. 2006: Principles of Conservation Biology. Third Edition. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, Massachusetts, U.S.A.ANDEL, J., ARONSON, J.: Restoration Ecology: The New Frontier. Blackwell, 2005. 319 pp. ISBN 063205834X.BOYCE, M.S., HANEY A.: Ecosystem Management: Applications for Sustainable Forest and Wildlife Resources. Yale University Press, 1997. 361 pp. ISBN 0300078587.HILTY, J.A., LIDICKER W.Z., ADINA M.: Corridor Ecology: The Science and Practice of Linking Landscapes for Biodiversity Conservation. Island Press, 2006. 328 pp. ISBN: 1559630WHITTAKER, R.J., FERNANDEZ-PALACIOS, J.M.: Island Biogeography. Ecology: Evolution, and Conservation. Oxford University Press, 2006. 401 pp. ISBN: 0198566115.DoporučenáJazyk výuky: AngličtinaPrimack R. B. 2006: Essentials of Conservation Biology. Fourth Edition. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, Massachusetts, U.S.A.MEFFE, G.K., NIELSEN, L.A., KNIGHT, R.L.: Ecosystem Management: Adaptive, Community-Based Conservation. Island Press, 2002. ISBN 1559638249.FULBRIGHT, T., HEWITT, D.G.: Wildlife Science: Linking Ecological Theory and Management Applications. CRC Press, 2007. 372 pp. ISBN 9780849374876.McLUSKY, D.S., ELLIOTT, M.: The Estuarine Ecosystem: Ecology, Threats and Management. Oxford University Press, 2004. 214 pp. ISBN: 0198525087.THOMAS, P.A., PACKHAM, J.R.: Ecology of Woodlands and Forests: Description, Dynamics and Diversity. Cambridge University Press, 2007. 528 pp. ISBN 9780521542319.


Vindicate semestral thesis


Ing. Petr Zasadil, Ph.D.