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Předmět Aplications of GIS (DZGX04Y)

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The course assumes previous knowledge of geoinformation technologies at GISII course level. This potential is developed in the sphere of theoretical background, practical skills and usage of GIT applications in environmental research. Close attention is paid to specialized applications related to student s Ph.D. thesis.

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Students have an advanced knowledge in the field of geographic information systems, their structure and functions and are aware of their importance and possibilities of using GIS in various fields. Especially students have extensive theoretical knowledge of possibilities of using spatial analysis on the field of their PhD theses.Dovednosti:Students manage working with some GIS software (e.g. ArcGIS) on a high level. They are able to work with special extensions and tools designed for automating tasks (e.g. Command line, ModelBuilder). They are able to design and implement comprehensive solutions onto challenging analytical tasks, starting with the design of the structure, via obtaining and adjustment of input data, up to the acquisition of information from databases for advanced spatial analyses and modeling. They are competent at presenting their results with the use of advanced multimedia tools. Students are able to use these skills for solution of scientifics tasks, especially on the field of their theses.Kompetence - komunikace:Students are able to confront their knowledge, skills and opinions with scientific community on the field of spatial analysis. This communication is particularly apparent in preparation of project proposals and scientific publications.Kompetence - úsudek:Students are able to synthesize, confront and critically assess the inputs and results of analyses. They understand the advantages of automation of manual solutions in particular cases. They are able to evaluate the accuracy of results of comprehensive analytical tasks, find alternative solutions and consider their advantages in terms of time-consuming and quality of the outcome.


ZákladníJazyk výuky: AngličtinaDocumentations to systems ArcGIS, Idrisi, Microstation, Janitor, SAGA.References to Web of Knowledge.DoporučenáJazyk výuky: AngličtinaShekar, S., Xiong, H. (Eds.) 2008: Encyklopedia of GIS. Springer. 1370 pp. ISBN 978-0-387-Documentations to systems ArcGIS


Vypracování a obhajoba praktického projektu.


Ing. Petra Šímová, Ph.D.