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Předmět Paleoecology (DZOX10Y)

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Palaeoecology uses the fossil record to recontruct past ecosystems and environments. This series of lectures covers the traditional fields of palaeoecology within the context of Earth history. Special attention is paid to a reconstruction of the past ecological world at population, community and biogeographic levels as well as to evolutionary palaeoecology of marine and terestrial environments


PřednáškaIntroduction, definitions, and principlesEnvironmental controls on biotic distributionTaphonomyAdaptive morphologyTrace fossilsPopulations and communitiesPaleobiogeography IPaleobiogeography IIEvolutionary palaeoecology of the marine biosphere IEvolutionary palaeoecology of the marine biosphere IIEvolutionary palaeoecology of the marine biosphere IIIFossil terrestrial ecosystemsBiogeochemical cyclesGlobal changesCvičení

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Graduates have excellent theoretical knowledge in application of modern methods based also on mathematical approaches to solution of complex paleoecological problems. Graduates are able to use the fossil record to recontruct past ecosystems and environments. This postgraduate programme covers the traditional fields of palaeoecology within the context of Earth history. Special attention is paid to a reconstruction of the past ecological world at population, community and biogeographic levels as well as to evolutionary palaeoecology of marine and terestrial environments.Dovednosti:Graduates can apply their advanced knowledge and specialised skills and methods required for solving basic problems in paleoecological research. They have proven their capacity of self reliance in the areas of scientific, research or development activities, by producing a peer reviewed scientific publication with IF. They are able to apply their highly specialised skills for solving paleoecological problems in the areas of research or top management and specialised jobs.Kompetence - komunikace:They competent to communicate well with their colleagues and the larger international scientific community about professional matters within the scope of their specialisation. They are competent to lecture and communicate their knowledge to the scientific community by means of scientific and professional publications, if need be to adapt and popularise their knowledge to the lay public.Kompetence - úsudek:Graduates deliberate systematically, are capable of critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas. They dispose of authority, academic and professional integrity and sustained determination to bring up new ideas in work and studies, including research. They are competent to choose collaborators, create and organise scientific teams and abide by the rules of ethics and of scientific work.


ZákladníJazyk výuky: AngličtinaBOUCOT, A.J. (1990): Evolutionary paleobiology of behavior and coevolution. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 725pp.BOUCOT, A.J. & LAWSON, J.D. (eds) (1999): Paleocommunities: A case study from the Silurian and Lower Devonian. Cambridge University Press, 895pp.BRENCHLEY, P.J. & HARPER, D.A.T. (1998): Palaeoecology: Ecosystems, environments and evolution. Chapman & Hall, 402pp.FREEMAN, S. & HERRON, J.C. (1998): Evolutionary Analysis. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 786 pp.HAMMER, & HARPER, D. ;. & HARPER, D. (2006): Paleontological data analysis. Blackwell Publishing, 351 pp.


prof. RNDr. Jiří Frýda, Dr.