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Předmět Landscape Planning (ZBX10E)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu ZBX10E - Landscape Planning, Fakulta životního prostředí, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze (ČZU).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

Materiál Typ Datum Počet stažení

Další informace


PřednáškaLandscape as a subject of landscape planningMaterials for landscape planning and exploration workLandscape assessment - general principlesLandscape assessment - environmental characteristicsLandscape assessment - landscape characteristicsLandscape assessment - the landscapeLandscape assessment - landscape structureLandscape assessment - the ecotonesLegislationOwnership relations in landscape planningLandscape protectionForms landscape planning - Overview, performance, mutual linksCvičeníIntroduction - raster and vector data and other baseEdit documents in GISField surveyAnalysis of the model areaDesign and synthesis of sub-measuresFinalizing the landscape plan

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Students gain general knowledge of landscape assessment, of documents used in landscape planning and of the individual forms of landscape planning. They learn about the historical development of Czech landscape, its natural and cultural characteristics, of different manifestations of these characteristics and with means in which these characteristics are affected. They know the process of the individual forms of landscape planning and relevant legislation. They gain detailed knowledge of landscape character and of the forms and process of its assessment.Dovednosti:s Students are capable of basic assessment of natural, cultural and historical characteristics of a given landscape, of the identification of the features of this landscape's character and of the assessment of intended constructions or activities on landscape character. They are capable of a holistic approach to the landscape, they can assess the role and importance of individual landscape projects and the risks attached to these projects. They can work with legislation relevant to landscape design and protection. Competencies - making judgments Students are able to work within a group and effectively communicate with other members of the team. They can present both their opinions and relevant information from other sources, they can use technical language correctly. * Competencies - communication Students are capable of a creative and initiative approach to their work. To create an opinion, they use relevant information (literature, their own experience, experience of experts). Within certain limits, the students are capable of managing a work group. Kompetence - komunikace:žádná


ZákladníSKLENIČKA P., 2003 Základy krajinného plánování. N. Skleničková, Praha, 321 s., ISBN 80-903206-1-9.DUMBROVSKÝ M., 1992 Prozatímní metodický návod k projektování KPÚ. VÚMOP Zbraslav, Praha.LOW J. a kol., 1995 Rukověť projektanta ÚSES. Doplněk. Brno, 124 s., ISBN 80-85765-55-1.HORKÝ J., VOREL I., 1980 Tvorba krajiny. ČVUT, Praha, 211 s., ISBN 80-01-01290-5.LOW J., MÍCHALl I., 2003 Krajinný ráz. Lesnická práce, Kostelec n.Č.L., 552 s., ISBN 80-86386-27-9.




prof. Ing. Petr Sklenička, CSc.